If you have ever run a business, especially a business that “sells” anything, then you know, to be successful, you must create a “Team Spirit” among your employees. That team spirit must include pride in the team, and a feeling that your team is the best, at what it does, and be ready, and able, to prove it to all comers.
If you have no team and everybody does “their thing”, at “their pace”, when they “feel like it”, then you have a mess on your hands. Any progress will be purely accidental. Plus your “people” will lag behind everyone else. In general, you will have a disorganized mess on your hands with lethargy as the ruler of the day.
Where am I going with all this rambling? Some of you figured it our before you finished the first paragraph.
I’m a Nationalist. Unapologetically. I cannot conceive of being an adherent to any other philosophy. Nothing else makes practical sense to me.
I am of Northern European stock. That may have something to do with it. I frankly, don’t know. And I care even less.
I was a Nationalist before 9-11. I will be a Nationalist when the dirt is shoveled into my face.
I have no love of “globalism”. None. I cannot conceive of a “one world government”. Even the phrase sends chills up my spine.
I see the US as THE Nation. It is MY nation; therefore it is the BEST nation of all the nations on the earth. Even when we screw-up, as we do often, we still lead the pack.
Regardless of what you may have been taught in school, we DO have a National Culture. There IS a single American Culture. I do not believe there is room within any single nation state for more than one culture. You can readily see that I do not adhere to the philosophy of multiculturalism. If you come to live among the people of my nation, then you will adhere to the culture of my nation. Else wise, you will never be a member of this nation. Legally, you may become a citizen, but you will never become a member of my society until you conform to the culture of my nation. You must assimilate into the American culture.
As a Nationalist, my allegiance is to the US. No other national, or international, entity will have my allegiance.
The United Nations, to me, is an abomination. I would like to see it disbanded and done away with… completely. It was an unworkable idea even before Woodrow Wilson dreamed up his “League of Nations”. The UN is, simply, another adversary to the United States.
Down deep, I believe most Americans feel this way, although it is not fashionable to say so out loud… or in public.
On a drive through the American Southeast you will see multiple flagpoles in the front yards of many homes flying Old Glory from high atop the pole. Granted, you may see a state flag, or even one, or more, of the Confederate national flags, or even the Confederate Battle flag flying BELOW Old Glory… on the same pole. To a Southerner that is not the least bit confusing. We are proud Americans, Southern Americans, to be sure, proud of our heritage, but our allegiance, first and foremost, is to the United States. And, as a Nationalist, that is where my/our allegiance stops.
So, do not attempt to sell me on “multiculturalism”. I ain’t buying. No need to bother yourself trying to sway me toward “globalism”. I want none of it. I’m not interested in embracing the remainder of the world. I’ll happily trade with other nations and lend a hand when they need it, but my nation, America, comes first. Period.
Yep, I guess that makes me a Nationalist.
Happy Hanukkah :-)
ReplyDeleteI am a capitalist, my aliegiance goes to the highest bidder, just like Haliburton and Texaco and so on..... They make billions an the backs of Americans and when asked to pay their fair share they claim they are not an American company but a global one and "Move" their headquartes off shore. I am a citizen for hire!