Why doesn’t the Democrat party just go ahead and admit that they are scared “witless” of the terrorists in Iraq and, really, just want to run and hide?’
After the President’s speech at Annapolis, they nearly trampled each other to get to a “hot” mike and announce that nothing had changed, they still want to cut and run!
This “Run and Hide” Strategy, of the Democrats, is bound to backfire… and in a big way… soon. They are simply cementing the public’s image of them as a Party that is anti-war, and anti-military, and… cannot be trusted with the nation’s security.
I disagree with the President on a number of his policies, mainly his lack of a policy on illegal immigration. But, on the war, he’s right. Stand and fight! I cannot imagine how the Democrats can actually BELIEVE that running away from an aggressor will WIN the fight! I cannot believe that THEY believe the majority of Americans stand WITH THEM on this policy of “national cowardice”, for that is what it is, pure and simple!
The men and women of our military, all volunteers, ask nothing more than that their country back them. That’s all. They’ll do the fighting… and the dying, if necessary. They’re committed to repaying an obligation, owed by all Americans to their country, but actually paid only by those who wear the uniform and make themselves available to fight her wars.
The Democrat Party today is so different from it’s earlier self, especially during the Second World War. Why, this bunch of Democrats, today, would be calling for the impeachment of Roosevelt… their own President! However, in the ‘40’s, the kind of behavior demonstrated by modern Democrats, toward the war, would be treated as it should be…beneath contempt, as well as un-American.
I grew up in a solid Democrat family. My grandparents had FDR’s Portrait prominently displayed on the wall of their home. He was revered. So was America. No one would dare cast aspersions upon the Democrat Party, or America, and expect to remain in my family’s home. This was true of many, if not most, of the Southern homes of that day. No longer.
Today the South is very nearly “totally” conservative Republican. You can see islands of blue in the municipal areas, but once you leave the city limits of our cities, you are in a sea of red.
Most Southerners cannot agree with the Democrats, simply because they cannot fathom their demonstrated lack of love, and respect, for their own country. I do not foresee a change in the Southern attitude toward the Democrat party any time soon. And that, Dear Reader, is why it is folly for the Democrats to expect a Democrat candidate for President to win the South.
Southerners are fiercely patriotic and they do not see that same patriotism in the Democrat party of today. When the President says we will stand and fight, then, by God, that’s what Southerners will do. Why? Honor, Dear Reader! Honor! Some of you may have to look that word up in the dictionary. But, down South … we know what it means. I mean… we REALLY know what it means.
Down here, when a National Guard Unit, or a Reserve Unit, marches away to war, the whole town turns out to bid them farewell and Godspeed. And, that same town turns out to welcome them back, upon their return. Likewise, the entire town mourns when one of its sons, or daughters, is lost in service to our country. Patriotism is no abstract here.
The President’s speech, at Annapolis, was “spot on”. We understood what he said and… what he meant. It’s a shame to even debate “cutting and running”. Worse… it is dishonorable!
I suppose that you, like the pathetic Jean Schmidt, also think that Rep. Murtha, a decorated veteran of the U.S. Marines, is a "coward"?
ReplyDeleteAnd how about all the Republican Chickenhawks like Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rove, Rice, Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, etc. etc. who "cut and ran" from military service? Why aren't you pointing out their hypocrisy?
you just don't understand.
ReplyDeletedo you?
Nice attempt to dodge the questions, oneveteransvoice.
ReplyDeleteI didn't really expect any conservatives to actually answer the charges. Most conservatives simply repeat whatever BS the RNC/Limbaugh/Drudge/etc. tell them to say...
ReplyDeleteFirst, I apologise for being tardy in answering your charges here. I've been out of town celebrating Christmas with old friends before your party outlaws it completely.
I do not believe Rep. Murtha is a coward! I think he is allowing himself to be used by the "Chicken Littles" in his party ... for whatever reason, I'll leave that for you to decide. I think his conduct is shameful. Throughly and completely shameful. I simply do not see how it aids US troops in battle with the enemy and I CAN see how it would certainly buoy the spirits of the terrorists who are most certtainly grateful to have one more Democrat lending them a hand!
So far as the "Chicken Hawks" are concerned... I'll take the "Chicken Hawks" over the "Chicken Littles" any day!
Merry Christmas, sir!
ReplyDeleteOne more thing... you have the flow of informnation to Limbaugh,Drudge,the RNC, Hannity, et al, completely wrong. And that, Sir/Madam, is the beauty of our Conservative media. We have you completely misdirected. You are attacking us for being led by the aforementioned gentlemen, when, Sir/Madam, it is exactly the other way 'round. Those folks only echo our thoughts and beliefs. They only spread the conservative gospel, which is writen by the conservative troops in the field. That you continue to believe it is the other way around is proof positve that our canpaign is working exactly as planned. While the Left is attacking our "front men", we are busy, behind the scenes, getting the job done.
Thank you very much for your confirmation of the success of our efforts.
ReplyDeleteIf you had bothered to read any accurate news reports, you would know that Rep. Murtha was acting completely on his own when he called for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. In fact, most Democrats are NOT calling for an immediate withdrawal, but rather a gradual withdrawal, which seems to be what Bush is going to do anyway...
As far as our plan to outlaw Christmas, I'm glad to see that it is succeeding so well!! Mooohahahahahaha!!! (That was a joke, for the humor-impaired)
And as far as how you get your information, there's a good reason why we call it "the right-wing echo chamber". All of your talking points and attack philosophy comes from a few big conservative groups.
ReplyDeleteThese groups take advantage of mass psychology and "mob mentality" in order to get their agenda across. By taking a group of people who all think pretty much alike on social issues (and who like to make a lot of noise), they can (rather skillfully, I might add) use hot-button topics like gay marriage and abortion to rally conservatives and get their REAL agenda across (wars, tax cuts for the rich, deregulation, cutting social programs, etc.).
Over the years, they have honed the process to the point where it feels like an actual grass-roots effort, as you describe. And that's why it's so successful...
ReplyDeleteWe are never gonna agree on this. I could so easily take your posts, turn them around and repost them, with my signature, and they would look authentic. We are SO different that, God forbid, we're alike. HA!
We do, however, appreciate your publishing the current Democrat "platform". It is, without doubt, the best thing going for the GOP in the next two elections.
Anonymous, I have enjoyed our little "reparte" but it is hopeless, in so far as changing the minds of either of us is concerned, my friend. I hope the readers enjoyed it and that's one of the goals here, in any event.
Best regards and a Merry Christmas to you Sir/Madam!
Here is the democratic platform as it should be: Republicans lied. They were wrong about Nukes in Iraq and about WMD. Where did they go? Remember "Operation Desert Fox" in 1998? We bombed his factories and nuke plants then. William Jefferson Clinton "The Man" attacked Sadaam to destroy his capabilities of terrorizing his neighbors in the middle east. "The Man" did such a good job that it put fear into the heart of Sadaam and he vowed never to try to stockpile or produce WMD again. not to be outdone by "The Man", George Bush, "The Girly Man", had to try to build an image of masculinity, we all know he almost lost a fight with a pretzel, darn shame too. Well not to be out done by "The Man" or the pretzel for that matter he had to start a war with someone who he already knew was powerless to stop him....... Real cowards only pick fights they know they can win and the mass of American Idiots, the true supporters of this clown follow along in line. Moral of the story, Don't be a coward, Vote Democrat! Or better yet Bushes plan for national security: Give up your freedom or Muslim extremists win! (See the Patriot Act)
ReplyDeleteI believe if we got rid of the right wing media and headed more to center, start by getting rid of drudge, limbaugh, fox and the rest of the G.O.P., the entire republican party (Can't believe we can't execute them all for being traitors by spreading their propaganda) the intelligence level in this country would sky rocket.
ReplyDeleteFrank, that has already been tried. It was called the Soviet Union! You remember... the country which went out of business as a result of total failure both as a government and as Socialist system.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't work, Frank. The very thing you and I are doing right here, on this blog, would get us both arrested and thrown in the government's prisons.
In this Republic, when one side is up the other is down. It is a continual see-saw, back and forth. One philosophy takes precidence for awhile... then the other. Right now, mine is at the top of the heap. But we won't be there for long. Then yours will be up there and I'll be taking potshots at it.
One thing this Republic has proven... as long as Americans are allowed to disagree vocally, we don't start shooting at each other. When that freedon is taken away from either side of the political spectrum the bullets start to fly. We learned this, to our great sorrow, back in 1860-1865.
I don't want that and I can't believe you do either.
Mr. longstreet your intelligence surprises me for a republican, don't let that offend you most republicans I've seen W included have a hard time well..... eating pretzels or walking and chewing gum at the same time.... What is it that Limbaugh says, for those of you in Reolinda? From a guy who was fired from a radio station as a DJ because he couldn't tell country from rock. I just can't believe you let these clowns fool you from your God given ability to reason. Well any way old timer, just my thoughts.