Friday, June 16, 2006

The Law and the Lacrosse Team!

The "Star News" of Wilmington, North Carolina, has finally published an editorial I can agree with. Honestly, I thought there would have to be a freeze in August for that to happen, but, no, they’ve done it.

The incident, or non-incident, as it may turn out to be, with the Duke Lacrosse team has deeply irked Tar Heels no matter which of our world renown universities one happens to have attended.

We have watched, with utter amazement, as the DA dove headlong into the murky waters of a case, which, on its face, appeared to have no legs to stand on. As a result, the young men of Duke’s Lacrosse team will be marked for life as a result of what appears to be bungling and ineptitude.

The whole mess has been an embarrassment to North Carolina. The name of one of the world’s great institutions of higher learning has been sullied. The reputation of the state has been struck a blow, which, we hope, will act as a “wake-up” call to our Legislature so that laws may be passed to enable the Judiciary in this state to remove DA’s when they appear to be in “legal water” which is way over their heads.

We recommend you take the time to read this editorial opinion from the “Star News”. You can find it here:

To my friends, and family, in Texas… you ain’t the only state suffering from over zealous DA’s. May God help both our states!


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