Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Price Controls on Pharmaceuticals on the Way!

Our newly elected Socialist Democrat legislators are about to screw up royally. They’re about to place government price controls on drug prices in America.

Please notice, that is not what it will be referred to as, and the MSM will not tell you that, but the bottom line is that THAT will be the end result.

They will promote it on the basis of getting lower drug prices for those on Medicaid, Medicare, and other government programs. But the bulk of the pharmaceuticals affected by that action will be so large that it will have a "spill over effect" on the entire drug industry.

The Pharmaceutical Companies, especially the research divisions of those companies, will leave America so fast they will need somebody to hold the doors open at our air terminals and shipping ports. They’ll take their companies off shore. (If not the entire company, certainly the research and development divisions!) And they should. They owe it to their stockholders.

The other effect, closer to home, will be the devastation of community pharmacies. They’ll go under by the hundreds, and eventually, thousands. Unable to sell the pharmaceuticals, and make a profit, they’ll simply go out of business.

Now, I have an immediate family member with a Doctorate in Pharmacy and I have a number of friends, and contacts, within the industry, and they are frightened of what the socialist democrats are going to do with their livelihood. It isn’t going to be pretty! But, you see, that’s what socialist do. They ultimately bring the entire society down to the lowest common denominator so that everyone suffers equally.

What’s next? Socialized medicine. It’s coming, dear reader, as surely as night follows day. “Hillarycare Two” will raise its ugly head. I’ll have more on socialized medicine in a future post. But for the moment, suffice it to say, that the health care, we are now getting in America, has already been negatively affected by the government and insurance companies. But, in the words of Al Jolson, “You ain’t seen nothing yet!”

Longs lines waiting for surgeries. Sometimes the wait is for months or years. Who’s to say you’ll even be around when you number comes up for the operating room? And talk about an intrusive government… you haven’t seen anything until we get socialized medicine. As I said above, I’ll have more on that in a future post.

So, what can be done? Not a blessed thing! You who voted for that motley collection of old socialist hippies from the ‘60’s are about to get blindsided. The problem is… those of us who didn’t vote for them…and attempted to warn America… are going to be hurt just as bad as those of you who did! But, hey, that’s democracy!

I’d like to say that we conservatives can correct all this in just two short years… in 2008. But, frankly, I don’t think we can. The socialist dems are so good at digging in and removing any threat to the preservation of their power that I believe it will take us decades to recover the Congress. That’s decades of damage done to the once great America.

You know, I didn’t think the America people were stupid enough to vote for Bill Clinton, but they did. The second time... I was sure Americans had learned their lesson and would throw that reprobate out of the White House, but they didn’t. Now, I was hoping, against hope, that America would not be so stupid as to return Socialist Democrats to power… but they did.

My mother had an expression she wore very thin on me. I was, as you may have guessed, a loner. I did things MY way… no matter the consequences. My mom used to say, “You’ve made your bed. Now, you’ll have to lie in it!” She was correct.

America has made her bed... and now, she will have to lie in it, too.


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