Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Winds of War are Approaching Hurricane Velocity!

The Winds of War are picking up over the Middle East. As if that is a surprise.

With Its announcement that it’s nuclear program is nearing completion and Israel set to intervene peremptorily, and with Syria making a move on the Golan Heights, once again, and the Hizbollah rearmed and redeployed to Israel’s northern border with Lebanon, with Palestinian terrorist arming as fast as they can unload the weapon’s … yes, there is reason to believe all hell is about to break loose in the Middle East. Iraq? Well, Iraq is lost. Bob Gates is being seated as the latest Sec/Def for the sole purpose of pulling the troops out of Iraq.

With America’s new Socialist Democrat Congress, Israel can expect no American help when the “defecation hits the rotary oscillator”. They’re own their own. With the Socialist Peaceniks in charge, in Washington, no defense of America is acceptable until New York and Washington are vaporized.

While the Socialist dems sit around in a great circle, on Capital Hill, and sing “Kumbaya” the world is going to hell in a handbag! Yes, the “flower children” of the 1960’s are in charge and there will be a hell of a price to pay!

I mean…it’s not like we conservatives didn’t try to warn the nation and the world. But, we have been shouted down.

Don’t get me wrong… I enjoy being right as much as the next guy. But it’s going to be a little difficult to gloat when the sky is raining radioactive dust from the craters that once were the great cities of the American East coast.

For every action… there is an equal… and opposite reaction. You’ll probably remember that rule of nature… provided you were not educated in one of our government schools. Well, a few days ago the American electorate chose to insert it’s head into the sand and willingly close it’s eyes to the clear and present danger surrounding America and America’s interests.

Why, all lf a sudden, have world events, especially in the Middle East turned so sour? Because the bad guys of the world have been set free! That guy from Texas and a bunch of hard-nosed conservatives were holding back that wave of evil… against all the odds. Then the American electorate spoke and that levee, that seawall, has been removed and the wave of evil is about to break upon the shores of this land. Sad to say, the people of America are not going to believe the ferocity with which that wave strikes. By the time the American electorate realizes the newly elected Socialist Democrats are not equipped, and are certainly not prepared to handle the onslaught, the damage will have been done.

Looking candidly at the Middle East… Israel is about to attack Iran. Unlike America the Israelis understand they are the target of a madman bent on their destruction and the destruction of America. Israel may very well be the savior of the United States. Iran must be dealt with and, as of this moment, Israel is the ONLY nation with the bravery to handle the task. Thank God for Israel. Israel is aware that attacks from their north, their south, and their east are eminent. They will do what a proud, brave, nation does. They will strike with everything they have and pray that it is enough. Would to God that my own country’s government had the courage to protect its people with the bravery and heroism of the Israelis.

Centuries from now when the stories of how easily this nation was conquered are told… nobody will believe it! It will read like a fairy tale.

Confucius once said: “ When it is obvious the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps!”

I guess our newly elected Congress has never heard this, huh?


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