Sen. John F. Kerry has done it again!
His California remarks, slamming the US Military, broke the self-imposed silence of the Democrat Party in the run-up to the election next Tuesday. Once again, and just in time for the Mid-Term Election, the Senator from Massachusetts has reminded Americans of the low regard in which the Democrat Party holds the US Military.
The American Legion, of which, “yours truly” is a proud member, called on Kerry to apologize. Below is the American Legion news release:
American Legion to Sen. Kerry: Apologize Now
INDIANAPOLIS, October 31, 2006 - The National Commander of The American Legion called on Sen. John Kerry to apologize for suggesting that American troops in Iraq are uneducated.“As a constituent of Senator Kerry’s I am disappointed. As leader of The American Legion, I am outraged,” said National Commander Paul A. Morin. “A generation ago, Sen. Kerry slandered his comrades in Vietnam by saying that they were rapists and murderers. It wasn’t true then and his warped view of today’s heroes isn’t true now.”While addressing a group of college students at a campaign rally in Pasadena, CA., Monday, Kerry suggested that they receive an education or “if you don’t, you’ll get stuck in Iraq.”
“While The American Legion shares the senator’s appreciation for education, the troops in Iraq represent the most sophisticated, technologically superior military that the world has ever seen,” Morin said. “I think there is a thing or two that they could teach most college professors and campus elitists about the way the world works.“And while we are on the topic of education, why doesn’t the senator and his comrades in Congress improve the GI Bill so all of today’s military members – reserves and guard included – can achieve the educational aspirations that the senator so highly values?” Morin said. “The senator’s false and outrageous attack was over-the-top and he should apologize now.”
The 2.7-million member American Legion, www.legion.org , is the nation’s largest veterans organization.
Even Senator John McCain, of Arizona, thought by many to be a Republican candidate for president in 2008, suggested that Kerry should apologize.
Conservatives, all across America, are outraged at the Democrat Senator’s remarks. We have learned, and continue to learn, from their own mouths, the depth of their loathing for the US Military.
Mr. Kerry sees no reason he should apologize, apparently. That does not surprise us… at all. One offers an apology when one is truly sorry for what one has said or done.
Active members of the of the US Military, family’s of military members, and veterans, should remember the Senator’s remarks next Tuesday. This is the man who wants to be your Commander-in-Chief. This is the man who is representative of the Democrat Party’s attitude toward the US Military. These statements are far too telling, and far too serious, to overlook when casting a ballot to decide which political party will govern America for the next few years.
Kerry’s remarks are representative of the deep-seated anger and resentment of the Democrats for America’s heroes, indeed, for America itself. I am convinced that returning the Democrats to power, in the US Government, will only open the door for their misuse of that power to punish the American electorate for removing them from power over a decade ago. Every now and then, their pent-up rage, at the American electorate, spills over. Mr. Kerry has been kind enough to remind us of this pending danger before Tuesday’s election. For that… we thank him!
Great post.
ReplyDeleteJohn Kerry is “stuck on Vietnam” and the 60’s -where if you didn’t go to college and make your grades, you got drafted. I think this explanation fits Kerry’s words better than simply “a quip gone awry” that was meant for Bush.
Yeah and the conservative MSM had it on all their news casts lastnight. As soon as I heard it I knew who it was directed at, the commander in thief of course. The problem is when you have to explain a joke it looses it whittiness, as so often is the case wehn you tell an intelligent jab to a moron, or in this case a republican. The MSM thinks this is going to sway the American voter to vote republican, the trouble is the average American is smarter than the average republican. It doesn't matter anyway, we'll vote our conscience and they will count the votes the way they want, as in 2000 and 2004. I've been in a couple American Legion halls Mr. Longstreet and there sure isn't anything there I'd be proud of admiting being a part of, same for Amvets clubs.... Just drunken, toothless, mindless white trash, open prostitution, with the oldest, skankiest bar flies I've ever seen.... Open gambling, and drug deals, maybe your area isn't as bad, or infiltrated with human debrit, I'm sure somewhere in this God forsaken land there has to be a few good people left. You talk about the Dems. being vengefull, all their commities and bills when the Dems. controlled Congress were done with input from both sides, I've seen where now they have their 5 min. meeting on issues and bills, take the pics. and sign in, ajurn then the republicans go off in secret and exclude the Dems. from any kind of bill writing or input, childish, I'd be ashamed. When they used to golf together, dine together, and socialize together to now be so damn childish. To ruin the Democratic process they were sworn to uphold.
ReplyDeleteI would have been disappointed if you hadn’t have mentioned this.
ReplyDeleteI assume that Kerry like most politicians in western democracies has a reasonable level of intelligence. So why say something that a large percentage of the population would find offensive?
Frank -“The problem is when you have to explain a joke it looses it wittiness, as so often is the case when you tell an intelligent jab to a moron.” - No, you’re missing the point; there was no joke, there was no humour. The ‘moron’ is the person who is incapable of delivering a joke.
Wha Wadna Fecht for Charlie
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