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It’s surrender time! Yep, the Dems have run up the white flag!
We Americans used to make jokes about France surrendering every chance they got, but we can’t make that joke anymore! Not with the Dems surrendering, all over the world, every chance they get.

What a slap in the face to the American military!
What a disgusting, disgusting, legacy for our kids.
What a dishonorable thing to do. But, then, they ARE Democrats, and the American electorate DID vote them in. Sometimes... you have to be very careful what you wish for. You might get it.
In the coming two years the utter madness that is the Socialist Agenda of the Democrats will take hold and we will have, by 2008, a nation barely recognizable as America.
I fear for my country!
This is just super! Now the terrorist nutjobs will be dancing in the streets declaring victory (even here in the U.S. thanks to the dems and CAIR). What a disgusting and frustrating situation.
ReplyDeleteIt is terrible and you must fight against this cowardly retreat from war. Run down to the recruitment center and sign up immediately....that'll show em.
ReplyDeleteJarhead: You are absolutely right! And, it's only gonna get worse from here!
ReplyDeleteHow in hell did America become so stupid as to elect that bunch of morans to run our government! My God, it's the inmates running the asylum!
ReplyDeleteStart digging those bomb shelters, ASAP!
love that new header, longstreet. says it all!
ReplyDeleteSandlapper: Wait 'til the investigations begin! They intend to destroy the Bush Administration completely. They don't care that they will damage the country. They DON'T CARE about the country. This is all about REVENGE!
ReplyDeleteMaybe the feminization of our government, by Pelosi, will wake people up enough to see the damage a presidential administration by Hillary would do. Let's hope so!
ReplyDeleteI mean... when you look at the woman it's like, "the lights are on... but nobody's home!"
Jay: I already did... thank you! I served in the fifties and sixties. The question is... have you?
ReplyDeleteAlso, how much closer to a national draft will this move the US? No right thinking American young person will want to join a military in full retreat! So, recruitment numbers will fall. The enemy, now emboldened by this cowardly act by the dems, will hit us again and again, and here at home, until we will be forced to fight or surrender our country, as well as out military, to them. To fight them, the military will need manpower. Where, in hell, do you think that manpower will come from???
I swear, the depth of left wing thinking is about equal to the depth of a teaspoon! They act on emotion, not intellect! They tend to respond as their feelings tell them. To fight and win a war, you put your emotions aside and you kill the enemy as often, and as efficiently, as possible... and you destroy the infratructure of whatever is left of his country. You think the dems understand that? They'd better, because you who voted for them have bet your lives and the lives of your families on it!
That bunch of left wing socialists makes me want to puke!
No where did I see retreat or surrender..... you guys are so partisian, they'll get our troops out of harms way and have the Iraqis finally step up and do THEIR job. We can't win their freedom, They have to do it on their own.
ReplyDeleteThe dems haven't even taken power yet and already they have managed to make the US the laughing stock of the world!
ReplyDeleteWhen "Comrade Pelosi", and her socialist minions, DO take power, the doors will be flung one to illegal immigration and the greatest immigration of people across any border in the world will not only continue... but will go from a flood to a diluge. Among those flooding across the border will be terrorists with their bombs intended for our shopping centers and sports stadia and anyplace where masses of Americans gather to enjoy our freedom.
The utter nonsense of this crowd of democrat socialists is exceeded only by THEIR UTTER LACK OF COMMON SENSE!
America , right now, TODAY, is a far more dangerous place than Iraq - and the American people made it that way last week!
Longstreet, those bomb shelters you referred to a few days ago, are beginning to sound even better than they did when you made the suggestion.
Not only am I going to clean my guns but I intend to buy and stock up on ammo. The war coming to America will make the war in Iraq look like a kindergarten playtime!
My God! How could Americans be so stupid!!!!
You know,if I was a Canadian, I'd be pushing my government to barricade the border with America and put our troops there to try to contain the coming violence within America.
ReplyDeleteThe GOP went way far off its platform and the American people decided not to trust them to run their contry anymore.
ReplyDeleteI heard it from the Liberals in 2004 and the Conservative in 2006.