Sunday, August 7, 2005

Dump Roberts!

If you are a regular visitor to this blog, then you know I have not been entirely happy with the President’s nomination of Judge John G. Roberts to the US Supreme Court. In two earlier posts I raise some misgivings about it.

Now comes word of his Pro Bono work for Gay Rights Activists.

The problem with this is … it was Pro Bono. “For the good” and without pay. In other words, he didn’t HAVE to do it. He was not compelled to do it. But, he did. This is deeply troubling for conservatives on my side of the political spectrum.

I can only believe this is another marker to indicate Judge Roberts is far less conservative than we have been led to believe… and I don’t like it.

I urge the President to drop Judge Roberts’ nomination and give us a true conservative candidate for the Supreme Court. Judge Edith Brown Clement would be an excellent choice. Plus, it would have the desired effect of driving the Democrats on the Judicial Committee nuts!

Judge Edith Clement is currently serving on the 5th circuit US Court of Appeals. She is from Alabama… a Southerner. (I have to tell you, I like that!)

Oh, by the way, she is a member of the Federalists Society and there doesn’t seem to be any disagreement over that… as there is over whether, or not, Roberts was/is a member.

To my conservative friends, sorry, I just can’t get behind the Roberts nomination. We have been misled many times in recent decades by chameleon-like candidates who appear before the Judicial Committee as one kind of candidate and after confirmation turn out to be something far different from the person we thought we were getting. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”.

Besides, there are a number of imminently qualified judges out there from the undeniably conservative side of the political spectrum who would make tremendous candidates. I just can’t accept that Roberts is the best the administration could find.

I don’t really care if the open seat goes to a woman or a man. It makes no difference to me. What does make a difference, a huge difference, is whether the person sitting in that chair is a conservative.

Judge Roberts has still not convinced me that he is.


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