Monday, August 29, 2005

The Sick Anti-War Protestors Get Even Sicker

About the time you think the anti-war protesters can’t get any sicker… they get sicker!
Thanks to reports on the Internet, we now know of the Left’s anti-war protest in front, of all places, Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C.


Oh yes! They’re out front of the Medial Center with their wacky signs and bad clothes and now, I’m told, they even have flag draped coffins lining the streets! All the while wounded servicemen, and servicewomen, inside that institution are trying to heal from the wounds they received fighting to protect the right of those Moonbats to be out there screaming their invectives at the very men and women who have suffered broken bodies and broken minds to preserve the right of those “Leftist Sickos” to make fools of themselves.

As an aside… did you ever wonder if those idiots with the signs have jobs? Did you ever wonder where they get their funding and the money it takes just to live these days? It seems to me that people with jobs, contributing to our society, don’t have time for that sort of nonsense! But them what do I know, right?

What we have here, Dear Reader, are what we have come to know as “Useful Idiots”. They are useful to the enemies of the United States. Seems to me that Al Qaeda would see to it that those folks have all the funding they need… and then some. I’m making no accusations, just wondering.

It takes money to fly all over the country to dog the President’s steps. It takes money to transport, house, feed, and furnish supplies for the ”rent-a mob” crowd. The money is coming from somewhere. I’m only suggesting that it would certainly be interesting to learn from whence it comes!

Maybe some of the Left’s non-biased journalists would like to look into this and do an exposé for all to see. Yeah, right! Don’t hold your breath!


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