Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Public Hand Wringing of the "Cowards" of the American Left

The public “hand wringing” of the Left gives aid and comfort to the enemies of the US. That’s as plain and simple as I know how to say it.

The American left is in full panic! So, they run out all their wimps and limp wristed spokesmen, and spokeswomen, and turn their cameras on them while the pens of their scribes smoke across the pages of their notepads being certain to record every nuance, every syllable, of every word uttered in anguish over the possibility that the United States, their very own country, may actually win a military conflict!

If you think this public spectacle in Texas, and around the country, and on the pages of left wing news papers, and TV news channels is rooted in deep concern for the welfare of US troops, you are sadly mistaken. All this Left Wing garbage is aimed at damaging the President, and the Bush Administration, and elevating the Democratic Party in the US. They don’t give a d**n about the welfare of the US Military, or the security of this country. Their single goal is to regain power on the national stage. If that requires giving “aid and comfort to the enemies” of the United States they have proven they are more than willing to do so.

They are disgusting. Their craven, cowardly, actions and will only bring more death to US service men and women and embolden our enemies it step up their efforts to damage the progress of Democracy in the Middle East.

The babbling idiots of the Left don’t have a clue that the very terrorists they are aiding with their “protests” and demands that “the President bring the troops home” would slit their throats, at the first opportunity, and laugh in their faces as their life slips away.

It’s time to stop molly coddling that bunch of anti-American cry babies and start calling them by the name they have earned by their antics…. cowards!

And, another thing: Why can’t we question their patriotism, huh? Only an idiot will buy their claim to support the troops without supporting the war! That is an impossibility. If one doesn’t support the mission of the troops then one does not support the troops. It’s just that simple!

I, along with a few million other Americans, are getting very tired of spending our treasure and spilling the blood of our country’s youth to secure the safety of that bunch of quivering, quaking, trembling, back stabbers from the American Left!

Am I angry? You’re durned right I’m angry! This nation went through this crap in the 60’s and we have entire generations of Americans, who served their country honorably, who have been tarnished forever. An entire generation of Americans who have never gotten over the damage done them by the same political party and the same left wing branch of that party who ceded victory to the communists in Southeast Asia. Due to their efforts the 58,000 Americans died in Viet Nam for NOTHING! And, if they have their way, the dead Americans in the Middle East will be added to the list of those having died in vain! How utterly, and completely, unforgivable!

The yellow journalism we see on out TV screens every evening, and read in our newspapers every morning, is the stuff of sick, poisonous, minds that care for nothing… save their own power. They will gladly climb over the bodies of America’s dead servicemen to again claim the White House and the Congress and further degrade this country and turn us into vassals for that glittering jewel of socialism, the United Nations!

Good Lord! How did we get here? How have we allowed this cancer of socialist malignancy to eat away the soul of the greatest nation on earth?

It’s time to fight back! Americans, who still love their country and still revere the true American dream of freedom, will rise up, in righteous anger, and shout down the voices calling for the defeat of America and America’s efforts to bring freedom to a people who have suffered under the yolk of dictators for centuries.

If those people ever regain power in the United States, she will cease to exist. We cannot turn over the security of this country to a political party which folds as soon as the going gets tough. We cannot give power to a political party that will not defend freedom because the cost is too high.

May God Bless America… and SOON!


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