Friday, August 26, 2005

Return of the Ditch Bank Diva and the Ditch Bank Dummies

Now, look… Cindy Sheehan got the benefit of the doubt the first time around. She won’t get it this time.

Entirely too much of what Ms. Sheehan stands for and promotes is known now for her to be able to capture any of the Media audience to any serious degree. Her 15 minutes of fame is nearly over. The media created her and the media will destroy her.
Anyone who states publicly “This country is not worth dying for” insults me as well as any family having lost a loved one in the armed forces of the US since 1776.

Sheehan is just the face of another pathetic attempt of the Left to foment unrest and create an aura of the 60’s for which they long. The 60’s, in America, was the most shameful decade in our history. And the left loved it! They still do. It was their “hay day”. It was the high point of their pathetic little lives. And they want it back! How utterly sick!!!

Those clowns on the ditch bank in Texas are a cross section of the Left’s Loonies, and Moonbats, let loose upon the Texas countryside. And now, the Ditch Bank Diva, herself, has rejoined her troop. Oh joy, Oh joy!

The DNC ought to hide. Instead, those running that now, all but defunct, organization and urging the Ditch Bank Dummies on. Have they no idea of the damage they are doing their party. Far be it from me to alert them to the dangers that lie before them as a result of this fiasco, but, good heavens, are there any sane people left in the Democratic Party??? I am embarrassed for them.

Oh well, this is America and everyone has a perfect right to make public fools of themselves as the Ditch Bank Dummies, apparently, have decided to do.

I suppose the thing that actually hurts is the way they desecrate the memory of so many of our fine young men, and women, who believed this country was worth dying for and felt, deep in their hearts, that they ought to risk their lives, and perhaps lose their lives, so that idiots like the Ditch Bank Dummies could make a spectacle of themselves on television.

Now… that hurts!


1 comment:

  1. Sir, you are so far off-base it is your lack of understanding which is scary!

    What's truly scary is how many American lives the protests of that lady have cost, directly and indirectly.

    Ms. Shhehan is being used by the Left Wing Nuts in this country to further their cause toward turning the US into a clone of the socilaist nations in Europe, like France, for instance.

    Finally, if the Presidential election were held today, Bush would win. The Left has nothing, and nobody, to offer.

    Oh, you think Hillary would beat him? Please, please run Hillary in 2008!

    Take a look at the map which shows the COUNTIES which went for Bush in 2004 and then think again about running Hillary.

    Good Luck!

