Saturday, August 13, 2005

What Did the Commission Know, and When Did They Know It?

Heard about “Able-Danger”, yet? If not, chances are very good that you will. The mainstream media is being dragged to this story by the "blogosphere" (as has been the case with so many stories of late).

It seems the military had a secret intelligence group know as "Able Danger" prior to 9/11 and Able Danger was keeping a eye on the would be terrorists who struck the US on 9/11. It seems this super-secret group was operating during the Clinton Administration and made known their findings (about the men who would later hijack four airliners.... and, well, you know the rest...) to the Clinton administration and somehow, nothing was ever done.

Information is still turning up on this developing story, but one of the most troubling aspects so far is the report that staffers of the 9/11 commission were given this information and squelched it, for whatever reason. If that is the case, then the findings of the 9/11 Commission aren’t worth the paper they were written on and lend credence to the theory that the 9/11 Commission was more a “get Bush” commission than it was a fact-finding commission.

Well, this will come as no surprise to those of us on the right who felt that way about the Commission from the git-go.

Many conservatives in the US were disgusted with the way the Commission went about it’s business and frankly, we decided the “end result” was already decided before the gavel dropped opening the first meeting. The little show we saw on our TV screens was more an attempt at damaging the President than it was about keeping the public informed about the work of the Commission which now appears, as we had suspected, to be deeply flawed.

There are calls, all over the blogoshere, for a commission to investigate the 9/11 Commission. In other words, “investigate the investigators”. When will this vicious cycle end? This immense game of “gotcha” is a doing much more harm than good to the nation and is, quite frankly, playing right into the hands of the terrorists.

In the days and weeks ahead, more will become known about “Able Danger” , their report, and why it was bottled up and never saw the light of day. As each bit of information leaks out, more and more names of former public officials are likely to be connected to this story. It could easily lead to the biggest scandal in a very long while.

One thing, chances are very good, the mainstream media will try, with all their might, to stir clear of this story. You see, their favorite people are implicated, to one extent or another, in the unfolding mess, which begins to smell of conspiracy.

The blogoshere will play a vital roll in seeing that this story stays alive until the entire details are known.


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