Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Another Liberal President Gone. One More To Go.

Well, the Left is mourning the passing of "West Wing", a liberal TV show about a Liberal President and a Liberal administration.

I have no feelings, one way or the other, about the show’s passing. I watched the first few minutes of the very first episode, saw that it was, by far, too liberal for me (anything with Alan Alda in it is TOO LIBERAL for me!) and changed channels.

In conservative circles the show was thought to be a joke. A pathetic joke. The joke was… that liberals couldn’t elect a liberal President so they invented one for television. Their liberal fantasies could be played out on TV, as the American public would not allow them to do for real.

Trying to swallow Martin Sheen, as President, was just entirely too much. His leftist leanings are too well known and too well documented. That was a fantasy too far. Now take another "arch liberal" and... cast him as a Republican and you have to know this show is no longer a “tongue in cheek” play, but a slap in the face to Republicans. The fact that Alda was cast in that role was an insult to Republicans everywhere.

The remaining “Liberal President show”, “Commander-in-Chief”, with Geena Davis as a female President, and meant to pave the way for the administration of Mrs. Bill Clinton, is weak in the ratings and rumors abound that it, too, will soon be canceled. I watched the first episode of that show, recognized it for what it was/is and have never watched another episode. Donald Southerland (another arch liberal) is in the role played by Alan Alda in West Wing.

Like the movie, “The American President” liberals are trying to create a President in their own image. They have yet to understand that a liberal president is repugnant to the American Electorate. Mrs. Bill Clinton’s husband took care of that for America. And she is much farther to the left than Bill ever was ...or is.

But, don’t expect the Libs to stop trying to drive their propaganda home with TV shows and movies. That’s all they have, now. Their hate, their rage at Americans for not realizing that liberal philosophy is so much better for America than conservatism, has nearly consumed them.

You know, if you find yourself in quicksand you should remain perfectly still. If you move about, and flail your arms about, you will sink. The Libs are in quicksand and they are flailing away.


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