Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Iran... AGAIN!

For regular readers of this blog, you must be getting tired of my harping on Iran. Sorry, but there will be more… much more.

We are standing at the brink of a war with Iran. Anyone with an ounce of common sense does not expect the UN Security Coucil to do a single thing but delay the inevitable with Iran. They will threaten, approve resolution after resolution, and in the meantime, Iran will be building an atomic bomb as fast as they possibly can.

I do not see the US, nor Israel, standing by and allowing this to happen.

I am convinced that even now, the US military is preparing air strikes against Iran’s nuclear facilities. Israeli air assets, backed up by US air forcres, may make the primary strike, or it could be a joint operation including Great Britain. But Iran is going to be hit. And hit hard. I expect a sustained air offensive lasting several weeks with possible ground operations with US air assets flying cover for them.

Look, we have a certifiable nut in charge in Iran. A guy who is convinced he is preparing the way for the Madi. He cares nothinmg for Iran, it’s people or anyone else, for that matter. He cares only to create the chaos necessary for the return of the Madi. He has been working toward that end even while he was mayor of Tehran. Now he is in a posiotn to use the assets of the entire country and he is doing just that.

Iran is the proverbial time bomb. And the fuse is very short.

Once again we will watch, in awe, as the American Left will come to the aid of America’s enemies. They will find every reason in he world why America cannot and should not use it’s Armed Forces against Iran. They know perfectly well we re going to have to attack Iran. They know perfectly well that if we had a Democrat Administration instead of a Republican, the Democrat administration would find it necessary to do the same thing. The difference? They would support the actions of the Democrat Administration.

All the while the “Euro-weenies” will stand on the sidelines jeering at the US as it does their job for them, again! Under their breaths they’ll be whispering a prayerful thank you, to God, for the American fortitude and bravery.

Once again, America is expected to save the world. It’s as though the entire world is a ward of the US.

I seem to remember that Rome had the same problem. At least Rome was able to collect tribute in the form of MONEY from those it protected beneath its umbrella of "Roman Might" (Pax Roma). The US spends it’s treasure, and it’s blood, in the service of the remainder of the world (Pax Americana). Maybe it’s about time we exact a bit of monetary tribute as well.



  1. I see, now you sound like Bush, you want the U.S. to be an Empire, just like Rome. Ummm and Bush to be YOUR emporer? Lord Bush? I am glad your true colors have been revealed Longstreet. Here I thought you championed freedom, sadly I was mistaken. Anyway Iran wants nuclear power generation, to bring their country into the 21st century. More power to them! That's 1 less nation on the teet of oil. I only pray when our nation falls (and it well, even your precious Rome fell), that the next world power will be alot more compassionate and understanding. Oh and before you "twist" my words I do not pray for our nation to fall, i pray for it to be a more compassionate & understanding one.

  2. Oil May Reach $100 a Barrel on Iran Sanctions, Libya Says
    Jan. 31 (Bloomberg) -- Oil prices may rise to $100 a barrel, 50 percent more than today, if the United Nations imposes sanctions on Iran to halt its nuclear program, Libyan Energy Minister Fathi Ben Shatwan said in an interview yesterday.

    Iran will be referred to the UN Security Council on Feb. 2, which can impose economic sanctions that may halt the oil industry technology it receives from European and Asian companies, cutting output.

    If Iran's oil production is disrupted by UN sanctions, prices may reach $100 a barrel, Shatwan said in Vienna, where he is meeting other members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.

    ``We don't have enough reserves because Iran is giving around 3 million barrels of oil a day,'' he said.

    Iran, the world's fourth-biggest oil exporter, has restarted work on uranium enrichment. The European Union and U.S. suspect Iran intends to build an atomic bomb and want assurances that the nuclear program is for electricity. Iran warned Jan. 19 of a global oil crisis should sanctions be imposed.



    If you lefty tree-huggers would let us get our OWN oil we wouldn't need their damn oil!

    So don't try your whining about high gas prices and blame it on Bush. You greenies are the new communist party. You want to tear the economy of this country down and make us all suffer. That seems to be the only way you people can ever be happy... if it is possible to make you happy. You seem to live on HATE! My God, what must it be like to live like you do? I can't even imagine being as bitter and hate-filled. It must be eating you guys alive.

  4. "I am glad your true colors have been revealed Longstreet. Here I thought you championed freedom, sadly I was mistaken."

    Frank, I'm not even going to dignify that with a reply.

    Your know better. You have read my writings, here, and you KNOW better!

  5. Iran only wants nuclear power for fuel? Are you really that naive? They can have nuclear power plants when the people refuse to allow terroists to run the country.

    If we do strike, it will have to be large airstrikes. Our nation, myself included, really can't stomach more ground troops being used for war with another country.

    George Washington warning our forefathers about "entangling alliances" is starting to sound even more nostradamist (sp?)

  6. Mr. Longstreet, sir, it was only a play on words. J Davis seems serious though, I could almost hear the yelling in his post. I am a Lefty... Tree hugger???? maybe Communist, NEVER! But then again the communists were our allies against, who? A Right Wing Facist Dictator named Bush.. I mean Hitler. I am however seriously curios about one thing though. Why is it when Bush's numbers in the poles are down, some "Terrorist" pops up with a video tape? I mean is Bush paying these guys to make these tapes so he can say, "See they'll never quit."? Sounds too coincidental to me. And his family is on great terms with the Saudi Royal Family... (I wonder how many "Terrorist" groups they sponsor?)
