Friday, August 25, 2006

Iran’s “Hizbollah” Re-Arming at an Accelerated Pace While Using UNIFiL-2 as a “Shield”!

“The Debkafile” is reporting that weapons are literally pouring into Lebanon to re- supply and re-arm Hizbollah.

For the full story go here:

US “electronic warfare experts” have rushed to Israel to try and define problems with Israel’s EW efforts, which were "compromised" by Hizbollah.

Meanwhile, there are reports that the European Union is considering the possibility of an “EU armed force” to get between Israel and the Palestinians, in Gaza, and… to place themselves between the US troops and insurgents in Iraq! Apparently not satisfied to stay out of the way, the EU is about to muddy the waters even more… in favor of anyone against the US.

How long before US troops, and EU troops, are firing upon each other?

… and you still do not believe this is a “World War”????

Not only can the US not expect assistance from the European Union, it appears we may soon be fighting them in combat. Will the EU troops be wearing the blue helmets of the UN? Probably.

It’s ironic, isn’t it, to realize that the US will have paid the money (from US taxpayers) to finance and armed force, (at least those in the blue helmets) which will be, for all intents and purposes, at war with the US!

What a world!


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