Thursday, August 17, 2006

News? Propaganda? Both?

Did you ever wonder how much of the news you see and hear is prepackaged, and paid for, propaganda? Well, now you’re not alone. The Federal Communications Commission has begun to wonder, also, and they are going to investigate.

I came across an excellent article, on this topic, at “The Rudicus Report”. It’s entitled: “The Propaganda that Surrounds Us”. You’ll find it here:

We highly recommend this post to you. We think you’ll find it insightful.

When we consider the state of the News Media today, especially here in the US, we would do well to question what we see, hear, and read. We are continuously bombarded with 24-hour news so that it becomes a drone in the background of our daily lives. That is when it is most dangerous. Our sub-conscious mind is absorbing and storing it ALL… the good, the bad, and the untrue.

I spent nearly 30 years in the broadcast advertising business and that was what we did. “R&R”… Run and Repeat. Ads were set up to “run and repeat” so that they became a part of the background noise in our listener’s lives. The listener was not even aware his mind was processing the ads. That was when our advertising was the most effective. The same principle holds true with news broadcasting. It is a powerful propaganda tool.

It’s past time for the FCC to inquire into the “make up” of the news we hear, and see, everyday.

This post on “The Rudicus Report” is very timely… and… very important!



  1. Holy Crap Longstreet,
    I can't believe you posted a link to a site of someone so free thinking and un-restrainted by right wing-evangelical crap. I see you getting wiser with your age. I do agree though about news "type" broadcasts being sent out as "news", it must stop on both sides, if you don't think this administration and right leaning groups do it, don't be mistaken, it happens all the time.

  2. Welcome back, Frank.

    The longer you read my "stuff" the harder it will become to label me, or put me in a particular box.

    I will not hesitate to split from the crowd anytime I have a different view... of anything. Been that way all my life. Got me in lots of trouble over the years!

  3. I've been busy here lately, i try to get here in the mornings, and get a look at your daily posts. If I don't respond, it's usually 'cause what you are saying is something I agree with or just something better left alone.

    you said, "I will not hesitate to split from the crowd anytime I have a different view... of anything. Been that way all my life. Got me in lots of trouble over the years! "

    That is something I know too well, here in Ohio and I am a Michigan fan, huge one, biggest rivalry in the NCAA. Also living right between Cleveland and Pittsburgh, and I route for the Bengals. I am no stranger to controversy, or being on the "outs" most of the time. Think that's why I get into politics so much, if most of the natiuon moved widely to the left, think I'd go to the right, just gotta be the "Loyal Opposition" to whatever the majority concesus is, that's how we will remain free.
