Friday, August 18, 2006


Reload, regroup, and re-supply. That is what Hizbollah will be doing in the weeks, and possibly months, before they strike Israel again.

The US, the UN, and the government of Israel, have only perpetuated the killing and the destruction in Israel by Hizbollah and Iran.

As soon as the UN became involved it was a given that Israel would be forced to “lose” the conflict, unless the Israeli government has the testosterone to stand up to the UN and go ahead and take the fight to Hizbollah. Unfortunately, for Israel, and for the United States, Israel’s government did not have the intestinal fortitude to flip the bird to the UN and crush Hizbollah.

Now the world is left with an Islamofacist bully occupying Lebanon, on the northern border of Israel, with the avowed purpose of "wiping Israel from the face of the earth".
If, dear reader, you feel this war is somehow settled, somehow ended, you need to sit down ‘til the feeling passes. The only thing happening, right now, is that Hizbollah is reloading, regrouping, resupplying, and getting ready for their next war against Israel and… against the United States.

Already, reports are coming in that Hizbollah is moving back south across the Latani river and carrying a new stock of those Katusha rockets with them as the go. They are also re-occupying those bunkers the IDF drove them out of and… they are preparing to re-start the war.

All of this is totally expected.

We conservatives are still scratching our heads in wonderment at the Bush Administrations actions in the UN, which essentially went against Israel’s interests. It was totally out of character for a GOP administration to side with the enemies of Israel.

At the same time we are keeping a close watch on the Israeli Knesset in hopes that the necessary changes, at the top will not be long in coming. What’s called for, in Israel, and I hope they have learned their lesson with this debacle, is a military man at the top. Since Israel remains in a perpetual state of war, a civilian, such as the current Prime Minister, is simply out of his league and is a danger to the continued freedom of Israel, not to mention their very existence. Olmert must go. Our vote would go to Benjamin Netanyahu. But, then, we don’t get a vote.

In the meantime, it is reload, regroup, and resupply, as the Hizbollah gets set for their coming confrontation with Israel.

This ain’t over, folks! Not by a long shot!



  1. You are so correct. It ain't over.
    Its hard to keep an eye on all the balls right now. I sure hope we are watching Iran and N. Korea at the same time tho.....
    It maybe where two mad men meet.

  2. The reloading has already started with the help of Iran. Israel got wind of it and raided a sight deep inside Lebanon and of the Lebanese government went right to the UN claiming that Israel broke the cease-fire, but of course they didn't mention tyat Iran was rearming Hezbollah and that is why Israel raided the site in Lebanon.
