Monday, August 14, 2006

No Ceasefire? Fighting Rages In Southern Lebanon!

UPDATE: Reports tell us that a tenuous ceasefire is holding, at least for the time being, in southern Lebanon. Sporadic firefights, between Israeli soldiers and Hizbollah gunmen, continue thru out the area.

Reports last night, out of the Middle East, said Hizbollah had reneged on the ceasefire agreement. Some reports said that Hizbollah acted on directions from Iran to continue to keep Israel at war for a prolonged period of time.

Meanwhile, the Israeli government confirmed their intention to abide by the Cessation of Hostiles agreement effective at 8 AM, Eastern Daylight Time, Monday morning. Will they? Can they?

Rockets continued to rain down on Israel, by the hundreds, on Sunday, while Hizbollah fighters mounted savage attacks against IDF forces in South Lebanon. The number of dead and wounded Israelis climbed as the IDF continued to fight back, with even more determination, to drive Hizbollah forces out of that portion of Lebanon, south of the Latani River.

At the same time… Israel readied itself for a “cessation of hostilities”.

For people who live in the real world… none of this will come as a surprise! Once again, the UN has proven itself to be a totally useless entity. Resolution 1701 isn’t worth the paper it is written upon. Many of us were saying that even before the Security Council issued it’s worthless decree.

Back in the real world, Israel is at war with Iran. Call it what you will, but THAT is the bottom line.

The Israeli government is going to have to suck it up and expend maximum effort against the Iranians masquerading as Hizbollah fighters and clean that rat’s nest out! If this is not none, and in short order, the war, now contained in southern Lebanon, will spread into a regional conflict and the US will be right in the middle of it.

At this moment Israeli resolve is called for. Resolve the current Israeli leaders have not demonstrated in the last month. In the end, new leadership may be called for in Israel.

Whatever the cost, Israel cannot afford to lose this war… and the United States cannot afford to let them.

Once again, we see what happens when politicians attempt to direct a military force. The US tried it in Vietnam… and lost… and are continuing to get our military chewed up today, in Iraq, by not allowing the combat officers and strategists, on the ground… in war zone, to direct military operations.

And now Israel has felt the needless humiliation of one of the world’s greatest, and most effective, military forces as a result of “non-military politicians” getting in the way of, well, victory.

Maybe Israel, being smaller and more nimble, than the US, can make the necessary changes, at the top of their government, which will allow their young men, and young women, to do their jobs on the battle front and salvage this bungled mess in Southern Lebanon.

Meanwhile, we sincerely hope the US government is paying close attention to all this. Even though the US Constitution places the US Military under civilian control, there comes a time when that “civilian controlling authority” must recognize it’s limitations and allow the military to have it’s head… and do what must be done to bring victory.

Israel is fighting for it’s very life, for it’s continued existence. It still surprises me how many Americans STILL do not understand that America is fighting for its life, as well.



  1. Its too bad that the Democrats and Republican leaders do not understand this. Who in this world thought Hizballah would actually disarm? They are regrouping. As long as they are backed by Iran they will fight.

  2. News reports I saw this morning said cease fire was sarted at around 1:00 a.m. EST. that would be 8:00 am there? Also they showed the skys quiet over Lbanon and Isreal, unless this is a new development.
