Thursday, September 29, 2005

A Nation Divided Cannot Stand

That Texas prosecutor, in Travis County may have just done the Republican party a huge favor.

The indictment of Representative Tom Delay on Conspiracy charges may have opened the door for Fiscal Conservatives to, once again, take control of the Republican Party.

Fiscal responsibility has been a growing problem for the Republican Party. Many Conservative Republicans have been concerned, and vocal, about the unaccountable penchant for spending this Congress has shown. Maybe… just maybe.

As to the charges against Delay, I heard, and saw, a number of lawyers, and ex-judges, try to wade thru the indictment and tear it part. I found a copy of the indictment, on the net, and carefully read it myself and I must say… it is shallow.

Now, I’m neither an attorney, nor a judge, and I know only so much law as is necessary to keep me out of jail, but it seemed to me, after reading the indictment, there was not much there. Having said that let me be clear about one thing: If Mr. Delay broke the law… he must pay the consequences. We cannot have anyone setting themselves up above the law… not even Presidents.

In the meantime, the Republicans in the House have a chance to pull it together, so to speak, and get out from under all these spending bills, do some real cutting of the budget, and bring some sense back to the US House. It would appear, from appointing Roy Blunt of Missouri, as the temporary Majority Leader yesterday, that is what they intend to do. Let's hope so.

In the meantime the drama will play out in Texas over the next weeks, and months, and we will see what happens. It won’t be pretty. Plus, we may see some indictments, soon, of US House Democrats in leadership positions in their party. Once a Hard Ball Event, like this, gets rolling, things, otherwise unnoticed, have a tendency to find themselves exposed to the light. I do not like the game of “Gottcha” but it looks as if that is where we are headed.

The US is so politically divided these days… that there is simply no way to do much of anything without politics coming into it. The only other time in out history I have read, and heard, of such divisiveness, was in the last years just prior to the, as we Southerners call it: “The War of Northern Aggression”. Officially, the law calls it the “War Between the States”. It leads one to believe that things, here in the US, will get much worse before they begin to get any better.

The US really has become two nations. It becomes clearer every day. Nations cannot survive divided as we are. Even the Bible says, “A house divided will not stand”. The debacle in Texas between, the Democrat prosecutor and the Republican Congressman, is only one tiny indication of how deep the divide is. It will serve to only make matters worse between the two sides of the US political spectrum… no matter who wins, or who loses. It is only a small indication of the deep, deep, trouble smoldering just beneath the surface of the US.

How do we save our Republic? I don’t think we can. Looking at a map 100 years from today, I would expect to see, not one country, but two, or even three, where the US is represented today.

As difficult as it is to say it, I now believe the US is in its declining years. And, as so many have said before, the demise of the US will be an act of suicide.



  1. Being in Houston, we see Dumn Delay frequently. He and George love those photo ops. I'm afraid this is just the tip of the iceberg for both parties. We all know that all politicians are suspect by the very nature of "politics". Also I remember when Charles Degalle back in the 60's said the US had reached it's peak and was on the way down.

  2. The difference between de Gaulle and me is... I hope I'm wrong!

  3. I've heard numerous legal experts call it "bareboned". We'll see. No one should be above the law. And that, sir, is the difference between conservatives & liberals. Liberals will stand by their lawbreaker & conservatives will not.

  4. Conservative stand by Bus, he is a criminal, and a deserter. He lied to the American people, congress and the U.N. to start a war.

    "Monica or WMD, Which One Is Harder To Swallow?"

    Everyone who has ever been in a civil court case has lied. I.E. Divorices. I wish we could liberate ourselfs from the red state, unfortunately I live in ohio, Alothough this state should have been blue it was STOLEN, I know i live here, I work in a Predominatley DEMOCRATIC "FREE" area and have heard the reports of machines that changed votes. This State should have Re-volted but I am afraid most are spineless or believe that the next election will be better. Yeah right!
