Monday, September 12, 2005

From My Cold, Dead, Hands....

Has anyone, other than me, noticed that the Law Enforcement in New Orleans was/is confiscating guns from homeowners there?

Where is the outrage? That is a flat-out violation of the second amendment! They can’t plead; “Martial Law” because there is none… can’t be any, either. So how are they getting away with it?

Now, I’m not talking about ONLY those weapons in the possession of hooligans, but they are confiscating legally registered weapons as well. Police officials say no one will be allowed to possess firearms in New Orleans but law enforcement officers. But, news reports tell us there are hundreds of security guards, paid by businesses and some of the more “well off” individuals of New Orleans, who are openly carrying weapons… some described as M-16 assault rifles.

Here we go again! The Lefties are taking advantage of a “situation” to slip unconstitutional actions into easy acceptance by a population, which finds itself in a state of shock. How many of those folks will EVER see those legally owned and registered firearms again.

This is an excellent example of why it is risky to register your firearms. They know you have them, and they know where you live. They WILL come and get them.

I’m not advocating illegal firearm possession, but I am trying to point out the fallacies in such a system.

In my estimation, the New Orleans Police Department ought to be handing out firearms to every head of household still remaining in New Orleans. Then watch the looting come to a screeching halt!

Look, what we have here is a violation of the Second Amendment of the US Constitution. It needs to be halted and reversed. Where is the NRA? The National Rifle Association has a vested interest in seeing this illegal action overturned by the courts at the earliest opportunity.

This is the old “camel’s nose under the tent” syndrome. Pretty soon the entire camel will be under the tent. Pretty soon the confiscation of firearms, by law enforcement, will be practiced anywhere there is a natural disaster.

My neck of the country is starring down the barrel of a hurricane, which is approaching as I write this. One of the preparations I am making is seeing that my weapons are in good working order and I have a good stock of ammunition. In this state you only need a permit to carry a concealed weapon. You can strap a six-shooter to your hip and walk down Main Street, in broad daylight, and it is legal. If you place in under your coat, or in your pocket, it is considered concealed… and you must have a “Concealed Carry” permit. But, we are a “conservative" state. Our politics are nothing like the state of Louisiana. We do not bow to the federal government’s every whim. We even have our own state militia, which is separate from the National Guard, and under the authority of the Governor. We are, probably, next to Texas, one of the heaviest armed states in the Union. We would not, for one second, even contemplate relinquishing our firearms to law enforcement. You see, the people in this state know about that thing called the US Constitution and we abide by it and we expect the government to abide by it, as well.

Somebody needs to make it clear to those folks in New Orleans that they did not give up their Constitutional rights when Katrina came calling.

”From my cold, dead, hands….” Charlton Heston.



  1. Mr. longstreet, I finally agree with you on something, I guess conservatives are not ALL bad. I am just glad there is a conservative in the whitehouse. If this would of happened when Clinton was in it would have been WAR! Wher is the NRA and th ACLU?!

  2. Why do you blame the left? The Federal gov. is now controlled by your side buddy. Who do you think sent Black Water down there to begin with? They are military flunkys who target women and children, shoot first and ask questions later. Shees buddy stop the partisian shit and look at what you have in Washington! Maybe these guys aren't what is best for freedom. Don't be afraid to say "Maybe I voted for the wrong guy." There are alot more important issues than who can and who cann't get married, And what women and their doctors discuss. Those are individual freedoms too same as owning a fire arm! "United we stand", Well we need to unite before it is too late. Maybe now you see the term "FACIST" appiles to the evil regime in Washington. If you think this is treasonist just remember what Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Thomas Edison, Patric Henry, and all OUR other great historical heroes said and did!

  3. Don't be too hard on the "Blackwater" guys.They're "homeboys" from right here in NC. Besides, they do what the government can't. The Middle East is crawling with 'em.

    Thanks for your comments!


  4. You said previously that they needed to install martial law. According to several news sites, a state of emergency is about the same as martial law.
    and Google search "martial law" "state of emergency"

    This state of emergency and/or martial law suspends civil liberties. Including the much coveted right to bear arms.
