Look, government is big and it is ponderous. The bigger the government is… the more ponderous it becomes. It takes a much longer span of time to get anything large moving. “Objects at rest… tend to remain at rest”. It is a law of Nature.
Now we are seeing what happens when an entire sector of our American society places their dependence in government…. disappointment, and failure, to one degree or another.
The US Government is moving as fast as it can. Layer upon layer of bureaucracy only slows a project, any project, down. Our Military is a war-fighting entity. It is not intended, in fact, it is against federal law, to use the US Military to enforce the law anywhere in the United States. Yet, the city officials of the devastated areas are swearing, profanely, publicly, because the US Military has not shown up, in force, to put down the civil disobedience, and out right criminal conduct, going on in what’s left of that swamp that used to be a city. As the troops arrived they were placed under the authority of the local law enforcement officials. That’s the law.
Now, to solve the problems in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, will take the efforts of private citizens, combined with private civic organizations, and religious organizations, to get the immediate help, required, to those affected people in the American Southeast. The government will eventually get through their red tape and begin pitching in to help. Some help has already arrived. More will be on the way in hours and days. But Americans must understand that for those first few, critical, hours, and days, after a disaster of this magnitude, individuals are on their own. The government cannot move. It is simply too big and too complicated.
Conservatives have tried over the years to get Americans to understand this fact, and not place the health and welfare of their family, or themselves, in the hands of a lumbering giant, our federal government.
Put your faith, and trust, in your God, your neighbors, and yourselves. We will all be much better off for it.
"Longstreet">>> For more on the massive screw-up in New Orleans and how, exactly, it happened, we urge you to go to "Red State.org" at:
For more intelligent commentary on the mess in New Orleans and how it actually got that way go to: http://www.violenceworker.typepad.com/
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