Thursday, September 1, 2005

This is an American Problem and Americans Will Handle It!

At the risk of sounding insensitive, there are other things going on in the world besides the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina.

For Instance, the up-coming Senate Judicial Committee hearings concerning John Roberts for the Supreme Court. That will be a three-ring circus if there has ever been one.

And yesterday, UN Ambassador John Bolton made the news by ticking off all the right people at the UN. Bless him; he’s doing his job!

But, I do want to go back for a moment to the problems in New Orleans, especially the looting and why the absence of Martial Law.

Turns out, there is no provision in the Louisiana state’s constitution for Martial Law. None. Somehow that little item just, sorta, slipped by.

A little research yesterday and I found some explanations as to what was really happening in New Orleans and why.

Now even though there is no Martial Law term in the State’s Constitution, the Governor’s Declaration of an Emergency DOES allow for the suspension of Civil Liberties. On top of that, the Homeland Security laws coupled with the Emergency Assistance and Disaster Act of 1993 also give the Governor, and Parish presidents, the power to commandeer property. The Governor’s Emergency Declaration is se to last for at least 30 days.

Two things: I don’t think the Declaration of a State of Emergency is going to be strong enough, and certainly 30 days is only a parsec of time in the over all time period it will take to clean up the mess in New Orleans.

The calls for the Southern States National Guard Units, now serving in Iraq, to be immediately brought home is just over the top. Once again it shows the unconnectedness of the Left to the actual facts of the situation.

And then there is the explanation that God sent the Hurricane into Mississippi to punish the Republican Governor of the state Haley Barber.

One other thing is gnawing at me and that is the question in the press and on the Internet: “Where are the Other Counties with offers of assistance?” The Left simple refuses to believe that we can handle things ourselves. It used to be called “rugged individualism” and was highly regarded in America. Now the proliferation of the idea of Victimhood, pushed so hard by the Left, has taken a foothold and those of us who insist on doing things alone, and using our own resources to solve problems, are said to be snobs and anti-social. Well, so be it.

Frankly, I do not want help from France, Germany, or any of the European counties… nor from the UN. I do not wish to have our country beholden to them… for any reason. This is an American problem… and Americans will handle it.


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