The NAACP is at it again!
For the story go here:
Boy, we conservatives can’t buy this kind of advertising! We can’t thank the Left enough! Please keep it up! Please, please!
And they wonder why President Bush will not speak to their group? You gotta be kidding!
Does anybody remember which Political Party Lincoln belonged to? Anybody? I mean, he DID sign the Emancipation Proclamation, didn’t he? He WAS a member of the GOP wasn’t he? I mean, anyone who knows the least thing about history knows the Emancipation Proclamation did not set the first person free, but, what the heck, it sounds good, right?
Sounds to me like an ungrateful lot complaining again with the age-old question of the ingrates: “But, what have you done for me lately?”
I gotta tell you, this sort of rhetoric makes me sick to my stomach!
Look, it was Democrats who filibustered the Equal Rights and the Integration proposals which were pushed through the Congress into Federal law! It was Democrats who stood in the schoolhouse doors to forbid entrance to black children. It was Democrats who turned the fire hoses on the Black protesters. It was a Republican President who sent federal troops into Little Rock to ensure those black students their rights! .
Talk about “revisionist history”!
Somehow all this is forgotten. Somehow... all the evil done black people in this country can be laid at the doorstep of the GOP. How can one twist history… how can anyone twist facts in such a way that they indict the innocent and heap praise upon those who would maintain a "status quo" in which the black person was a second class citizen? How? How can those who do this sleep at night?
It is difficult for me to express my anger, at these remarks, in a civil manner.
Whether the NAACP likes it, or not, the GOP is in power today, in the USA, and THEY helped put them there. Left-wing groups of all stripes march beneath the banner of the Democrat Party. And THEY put the GOP in power. THEY drove thinking Americans away from them. They have poisoned the political atmosphere, in this country, with their bitter bile. And they continue to do it at every opportunity!
Well-informed people, who do not wish to mislead, or be mislead, flock to the GOP. The Democrat Party is hemorrhaging “Thinking Americans”. Why? They are fed up with a party full of leaders besotted with their own power and willing to do, and say, nearly anything to secure those positions.
It is sickening.
Right on, Bro!
ReplyDeleteThe Democrat Party has used those folks so badly it is a sin. Yet they continue to hold on the teat from whence their promised sustenance comes.
When will our black brothers and sisters learn that they are still on a Plantations every bit as bad as the pre-Civil War plantations and their masters are the Democrats and their own black leaders.
A war was fought in this contry to free them and they immediately turned around and re-embraced slavery.
This is a slavery only they can free themselves of. Otherwise, they are truly in a hopeless situation.
Well-informed people, who do not wish to mislead, or be mislead, flock to the GOP. The Democrat Party is hemorrhaging “Thinking Americans”. Why? They are fed up with a party full of leaders besotted with their own power and willing to do, and say, nearly anything to secure those positions.
ReplyDeleteHmmm, if you change "GOP" to "Democrats" and the "Democratic Party" to "GOP", this paragraph actually starts to make some sense. Try it!
History is changing fast...A few more years of destroying statutes of Confederate Generals, removing any sign of Southern heros from government buildings and so forth and our grandchildren will not know there was a War Between the States...Who will they blame then?