Medical Marijuana. The Supreme Court was wrong on this one
Not only was the ruling by the Supreme Court wrong, this week, but if you look closely (not too closely, it’s not necessary) you can see that the court has erred in their interpretation of the US Constitution.
Now, first off, if a doctor prescribes Marijuana, as a drug to be used to treat a medical condition, I see nothing wrong with that. I know people in the pharmaceutical business and they tell me the American public would be absolutely astounded if they were made aware just how many drugs are on the American Pharmaceutical market today with a marijuana base. (Including cannabis and THC) So the practice of prescribing marijuana has been legal in this country for many decades. The only difference is…the continued ignorance of the America people.
Just so we’re clear, I support the medical use of marijuana, prescribed by a physician. You see, I have a chronic illness which I have had since birth. It requires, usually, multiple hospital visits per year. The pain is incredible when one of the attacks come. The first thing the doctors do is establish an IV line and the second thing is… they begin administering Morphine, IV push. Now, if you think for one minute I’m going to stay the doc’s hand and inquire if that medication contains “poppies” from which heroin is derived… you’re nuts! I want relief and I’ll take what I can get to find that relief. I have no reason to believe the patients in the states affected by the Court’s ruling yesterday will react any differently. They will continue to use marijuana, illegally, as far as the federal Government is concerned, even though they have the blessing of their state governments.
Now to the Supreme Court: They did it again. They overstepped their bounds. They used the Inter-State Commerce Clause of the US Constitution to decide against the states that have medical marijuana laws already, legally, on their books.
The Inter-state Commerce clause is meant to cover trade between states. In other words, growing marihuana in one state and transporting, or selling it to a buyer in another state, would be covered under the Inter-State Commerce clause. But, the users of medical marijuana are not dong that. Besides, This is a States-Rights issue! As long as that marijuana does not cross a state line, the Inter-State Commerce clause does not apply! Except, of course, when the Supreme Court says it does.
So, the Supreme Court has, again, infringed on State’s Rights by imposing their will on the states by using a bogus clause in the US Constitution, wrongly. And, they’ll get away with it. Who can challenge them? Nobody!
Where did our State’s Rights go? Well, we lost them at a little place called Appomattox Courthouse, in Virginia, in April of 1865. Now, all the states have begun to grasp the fact that the states of the Confederacy were not the only states to lose their State’s Rights as a result of the War Between the States. The strong Central Government was established as a result of the lost of the Confederacy in the War Between the States. We are STILL paying the price for that… even to this day!
It is long past time to rein in the Supreme Court and make them answerable to the US Congress. I urge the Congress to pass legislation creating a Constitutional Amendment to make all decisions handed down by the Supreme Court subject to being overturned by the US Congress with a “super majority” vote of both houses. The Court must have limits placed on it.
While we’re at it, lets change the appointments to the court from lifetime appointments to say, no more than 12 years.
In the meantime, many of the states will defy the Supreme Court and continue allowing their physicians to write the prescriptions for medical marijuana. Of course the feds will try to stop them. Some will try, but they will be bulldozed by the power of the Federal Government. Remember Elian Gonzales, in Florida, a few years ago? That’s just one example of the heavy hand of the Federal Government.
This is not over. Not by a long shot!
That's all we need is a bunch of hippies running around anyway. Ig God made you sick it is your cross to bear. Don't look to science to save you, rather hit your knees everynight and ask that you be given the strength by your Holy Father to endure! God bless you.