This Post first ran in February of 2005!

If this is your first visit to this site, let me establish, right up front, that I am a conservative.
I’m not a “neo-Conservative”. I’m a “Paleo-Conservative”.
I’m conservative on politics, social issues, and religion. My view of the world is filtered through my conservatism. I make no apologies for that.
In this post, I’d like to give you a conservative’s view of what used to be a great Political Party in this country, the USA. It used to be a worthy opponent of political conservatives in the USA. But no more.
I am speaking of the American Democrat Party.
I’m being a bit generous in referring to them as a political Party. There was a time, not so long ago, that the Democrat Party actually represented the political belief of a host of Americans. No Longer. Even the American college campuses, bastions of liberalism, are being challenged by a huge influx of Conservative freshman. That alone speaks well for the future of Conservatism in the US.
The so-called Democrat Party today is actually a conglomeration of leftist, socialist, and so-called “special interest groups” who have no party allegiance beyond their own interests. There is no longer a desire to do good to, and for, the nation. The selfish interests of each group now under the Democrat banner have replaced that.
As a result, the DNC has lost its way. The old line Democrats are well aware of the party’s lost direction… but the current leadership will pay them no mind.
The Democrat Party is now undeniably a socialist party. Their goal is to transform America into a socialist/welfare state, which reflects modern day Europe.
Their state of denial is monumental. The DNC leadership has determined their loss in the 2004 election was simply because they were not “socialist enough”. As a result, they installed Howard Dean as their leader. This is very much like handing the rope to the hangman. He is taking the party to the gallows and the party is cheering as they mount the steps.
Folks on my side of the political spectrum are cheering them on. We can’t believe our good fortune. We can hardly contain our joy. We continually pinch ourselves to be sure we aren’t dreaming. We aren’t. We’re being handed the leadership of the USA, for at least a generation, and it’s being given to us on a silver platter. What’s not to like?
In reality, however, we mourn the passing of the Democrat Party. Their absence on the political playing field will be noticed. They kept the Conservatives sharp. The new party emerging from the ash heap is the New Democrat-Socialist Party of America. They are nearly 100% predictable. I’m afraid we’ll lose our edge.
The USA needs two parties, at all times, to be checks and balances for each other. However, now that the Democrat Party is, for all practical purposes, gone, we conservatives must pay closer attention to our own Conservative leaders. Never far from our minds should be the thought: “Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” We must mount continuous vigilance on our own leaders.
To the Democrats we say: “Goodbye!” To the Republicans we say: “Watch it!”
well Longstreet that seals it, you are blind as to what is really going on in this country. I thought at one point there was hope for you....... Sadly and regretably I was wrong.
ReplyDeleteThat's by design, Frank.
ReplyDeleteI'm something of a moving target. I hate being predictable.
In the advertising business, you can be successful if you can keep your competition guessing about what you're gonna do next. I had a hell of a lot of fun outfoxing them. I'd make a point of appearing to go in one direction, then backtrack, and show up somewhere else with an entirely different set of proposals than my competitors were led to believe.
Pretty much the same applies here. When you want to reach the largest possible audience, you jump around a bit to shake things up. I may take one tact, one day, and a slightly different tact the next day. The core belief remains the same, just the window dressing changes. I don't think the visitors to this site would keep coming back, day after day, if they knew exactly what was here before thay clicked on us.
I never know what is gonna be in the comments from readers 'til I open the page and look. It's like Christmas everytime.
The day this blog is no fun is the day I'll shut it down.
One of the first things I learned in sales was how to take rejection. If you can't take rejection... there is no place for you in sales. Pretty much the same with writing an opinion blog. You get a lot of rejection.
It goes with the territory.
I'm a "died in the wool" conservative. Some things I'm more conservative on than others.
Even if I veer away from what appears to be the conservative line, I'll swing right back next time out. It's the nature of the beast.
My very best two friends in the entire world are both liberals. One I have know since I was a boy. the other I have known for probably 20 years. We always differ on our politics. That doesn't mean I like them any the less. No! I figure they have as much right to their opinion as I do. I may think they are wrong and even tell them so from time to time and they don't hesitate to tell me when they think I'm wrong. But, I'd go to the wall for those two guys any day. And I believe they would for me. When politics becomes more important than friendshp. something is very wrong!
Hope you having a great day!
The Democrats are in the exact same position the Republicans were in 1990. It's called a "cycle". And it's clearly already begun its swing back to the other side. One party gets too much power, begins to abuse it and they cause their own collapse. The Democrats did it (although not to the same degree) back in the 1990s and now the Republicans are doing it, better than anyone ever has.
ReplyDeleteReports of the Democratic Party's demise have been greatly exaggerated.