There are a lot of very smart people in Washington. But, occasionally, it appears, that many are educated “beyond their ability”! All the “smarts” in the world are useless without a smattering of common sense. There seems to be a severe lack of that commodity in DC right now.
For instance:
Giving management of six of this nation’s largest seaports to a company based in the Middle East is D-U-M-B!
Frankly, I don’t care if they are our friends… or not. This is a D-U-M-B decision.
Look, the government claims that even with the UAE company in charge of Port Management we will still have control of the security of those ports. Maybe. But how would our Security Specialists work with the management of a port without revealing our security plans and measures. In a few short weeks they will know every weakness, in our Port Security, and every strength, as well. Any fool can see that is a problem.
I cannot emphasize this enough: WE ARE AT WAR! As it happens some of the people we are at war with… are in the United Arab Emirates.
I am a short distance from one of North Carolina’s major ports and we are uncomfortable, here, not knowing just how secure WE are. Fortunately, The UAE company is not taking control of our local port. If they were, the government would have another “period of unpleasantness” similar to that of 1861!
Port security, on its best day, is nowhere near what it ought to be… under the very best of circumstances. Toss in the fact that at least two of the hijackers, who flew the planes into the Twin Towers, were from the UAE… and we, here at IoF, think we have a strong reason to be alarmed about this.
Economically, this is a very good "business deal". So far as America’s security is concerned, it is entirely too dangerous.
It’s time for some reason here. It’s time for the government to break up this deal and be done with it. And... the Congress is considering doing just that, at least, they are threatening a "speed-bump" piece of legislation to delay the pending deal until it can be investigated further. Predictably, the President is threatening a veto of such legislation.
This is one of those "Come to Jesus" moments in US history. IF the Congress does, in fact, pass legislation to delay the deal, and the President vetoes it, the President's veto will be overturned. It's just that simple.
There is some thought that there is much more about this deal which is "sub-rosa". Has the US made a preemptory deal with the UAE because the bombing of Iran is imminent? Could be. I'm convinced there is some reason, beyond that which is publicly known, which explains the reason the Administration is pressing so hard for closure of the deal.
Look, it has been understood for centuries that if you wish to control a country, any country, gain control of their “gates”. Our seaports are our “gates”.
This cannot be allowed.
In the meantime, would it not be advisable for some American companies to get involved in this business? No American company is involved in Port Management in this country, or elsewhere. If the United Arab Emirates have(has) figured out a way to make money at it, then, surely, American companies can do the same.
Besides, having the “fox guarding the hen house” is a bit unsettling.
I was initially suspicious and opposed to this concept. Over the last couple of days I've seen reason to suspend that opposition, and to open myself to the prospect that this may not be as dumb as it appeared at first.
ReplyDeleteFor example, only the management will be under the control of the Arab company. Workers will be American union workers under a union contract. More important, though, is that the security of the ports will still be under U.S. government control. In other words, it appears that only the ownership of the management company of the port function will change.
I'm not suggesting that we are not, however, perhaps even a bit more attentive to what occurs in the ports.
Bravo! Mr. Longstreet!
ReplyDeleteYOUR President said he would veto any legislation that stops this from going through! Impeach his sorry a** now! I would have had a fit over the Brits doing it as well. This is something that should be left up to AMERICANS to handle. PERIOD, I am not being racist. I am being a NATIONALIST!
(We agreed on 3 things in less than a week: The world is coming to and end :)
I call 'em as I see 'em, Frank.
ReplyDeleteI have never, and will never, blindly support a political leader when I believe he, or she, is wrong. I believe the President is wrong on this one. I think he is wrong on immigration, I think he is wrong on a Palestinian state, and a few other things.
Well put, Longstreet. This port deal is a bad idea.
ReplyDeleteAnother aspect of this deal is that it is a rather extreme manifestation of how globalization is weakening our sovereignty via ownsership of U.S. assets by foreign governments.
Americas greatest enemy Lives it Washington his name is Gorge Bush. He has single handily turned the world against America.
ReplyDeleteCalling for impeachment, unless we find that President Bush purposely doing this so we can be attacked, is dumb. That being said, vetoing this bill, which is really just calling for a more in depth investigation before allowing the sale, would be probably the dumbes thing Bush has done as president, along with holding hands and playing footsies with the Saudi king.
ReplyDeleteThough I appreciate Congress taking up this fight for our security, you have to wonder how much of it is just grandstanding for the 2006 elections. I mean, we have over 12 million illegal aliens in this country, with that number increasing greatly ever day, and they still have yet to do anything about that problem. What good is it to investigate who oversees the operations of our ports when terrorists can just as easily walk across the Mexico or Canada borders into our country?