There is much talk, these days, floating around DC, and other parts of the country, which speculates on whether, or not, there will be another opening on the Supreme Court at the close of the current session. There is a better than even chance that could happen, either this year, or next. That, of course, would mean that Conservatives would get another shot at placing another conservative judge (justice) on the court... thus clinching the courts conservative bent for at least a generation.
President George W. Bush, and his administration, are, at least in some cases, painfully aware that it was the right-wing of the Republican party responsible for his election. Some say the Evangelicals.
You may believe that if you choose… and I would not argue with the premise, but… it was not totally the Evangelicals. The right wing, yes. But Evangelicals are only a part of the right wing of the Republican Party. I’m in the other, non-Evangelical sector of the Right Wing. I am a “non-practicing Lutheran” of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. I no longer attend an ELCA Lutheran church as I feel the ELCA has been hi-jacked by Liberals .
So, that’s where I’m coming from. I’m a conservative Christian. Not an Evangelical. Now that that is out of the way, I write this piece to state our intentions openly and honestly. We DO want something in return for our locality to the Candidate George W. Bush. We want the Supreme Court!
It’s as simple as that.
You see, we went to the polls with the Supreme Court in mind. So far as we were concerned the 2004 presidential election was altogether about the Supreme Court. That is what we voted for. Bush promised us he would offer up conservative nominees for the court. So far, he has delivered. We intend to hold him to that promise. No, we intend to hold the entire GOP to that promise. There are two critical elections on the political horizon, 2006 and 2008. We can be there in force, or we can stay home. That is up to President Bush to decide.
To be as clear as I know how, let me state empathically, that Alberto Gonzales is not acceptable to us as a Supreme Court nominee. We will do all in our power to see that he is never considered for that position, and if he is considered, we will work for his defeat. Is that clear enough?
Conservatives see an opportunity here to turn this country around. We are bound by our patriotic duty, and our religious duty, to do everything in our power to make that opportunity available to the citizens of the country.
We have no problem with staying away from the polls. Some have asked how that can be. It’s simple, really. We know we will answer to a much higher power for our shortcomings here on this earthy. Voting for a Godly candidate, or not voting for an ungodly candidate is a “no brainer” as far as we are concerned.
We love our country and this is serious business to us. Very serious, indeed.
Mr. Longstreet,
ReplyDeleteWhere on earth do you get that George Bush is Godly? Pleas help here I am very liberal and I would never spout off such crap about Kerry, Clinton, or even Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter is a man of great Character but still just a man. Bush is a man of greed and power... not too godly at all. Anyone other than those in Reolinda can see that. I suppose in a way I even see some of your views as "Grandfatherly". And do not take that as an insult, my Grandfather was a very wise man. I hope to see him again. It is not because Bush is a Republican that I say this, the Republicans have far better "stock" then the Bush family. Colen Powel is a man of character, Lee Iacocca, Even the guy you can't stand McCain are men of quality. (Actually I would have crossed over and vote for McCain over Hilary if he didn't cowar when Bush's lying veterans started on him... unless she let Bill call the shots.)
Whether a person is "godly" or not is something you know when you see it.
ReplyDeleteOle Harry Truman had that quality. He could cuss like a sailor and he took no "stuff" from anybody, but he was a man of good strong character.
I don't have it. I'd retaliate if I had to put up with the "stuff" Bush and company takes in stride.
I don't know of a single detractor Bush has sicced the IRS on as Mr. Clinton was wont to do.
It's the "character" thing.
I know I'm not going to convince you. And that's OK. People view other people differently. Our views tend to be colored by our experiences.
For instance, I am convinced that if we wind up with McCain, you aint't seen nothing yet! It's the "Cock of the Walk" syndrome. His way or the highway. It will be a rough 4 years.
"Cock of the walk" His way or no way..... You mean just like W.? He thinks he is above the law.
ReplyDeleteNo, with McCain, in his mind... HE IS THE LAW!
ReplyDeleteI hate to say it, but it looks as if he will be the next President, though.
One thing is for dang sure longstreet, as long as the country is in peril, the American voters are not going to elect a democrat to be President.