The Scariest Story Ever Told!!!
Today is Halloween. And this Halloween we have more to be frightened of than on any Halloween in past memory.
We are one week away for a possible take-over of the US House of Representatives and the US Senate by the Democrat Party. If that doesn’t frighten you… then your senses have been “seared” beyond reconstruction.
The “Ghosties and Goblins of the Left” have been celebrating for weeks now over a victory they have get to realize.
As for the Repubs, the Conservative cavalry has yet to ride over the hill to the GOP’s rescue. The big question is whether, or not, the GOP can even hear the bugle in the distance.
The Republican Conservatives are more than just a little angry. They are MAD! They have been saying, for months, that they intend to sit out this election and throw it to the Democrats just to punish the GOP! There is absolutely no doubt, among Republicans, that should the Conservatives stay home, they will lose.
The Democrats don’t care how they win, whether on their own merits, or because the better team throws the match… they just want power back. They have no plans, no answers, nothing to offer… but the promise to use their regained power to punish those of the opposition and show our nation’s collective backside to the enemy on the battlefield.
Their socialist agenda will be the single most important matter the government will deal with during their tenure.
As a Conservative, myself, I can see, already, that some conservatives have had a vision of the US under Democrat control and they have recoiled in disgust. They will not sit out this election. Many things will drive them to the polls, not the least, of which, is their religious faith.
In the meantime, I don’t think it really matters if the actions of conservatives become a near miss, or a loss, for the Republican Party. Throwing a scare into the GOP and then riding to the rescue, at the last minute, will, in the long run, get us no better seats at the Republican table.
At this moment, in our nation’s history, Republican Conservatives and Democrat Conservatives have nowhere to go, no political party to turn to. So, we’re stuck… until we can find a viable “point man” to lead a conservative movement to establish a viable third party, the Conservative Party of the US.
The Reagan Revolution may be dead, and there may well be a splitting of the coalition, which marched under Reagan’s leadership. That was bound to happen, in any event. Reagan is gone… and there is none like him. This then, could be the election, which pushes the Republican Party back to pre-Reagan days. Remember those days of doom and gloom with visions of the ever-setting sun of America…until that grand old man burst onto the scene with hope and optimism.
Leadership is the key to everything. Without it there is no direction, there is no strength. Our current President marches under the flag of the GOP. But Mr. Bush is not the leader of the Republican Party. As of this moment, we have no leader. And therein, dear voter, lies the rub.
We must have a leader before 2008. McCain will not, cannot, be that leader. Gingrich? Possibly. But Gingrich has moderated his conservative stance on many things and that worries a lot of us. We’d much prefer to have the “bomb-thrower of the House of Representatives” back. It’s that fire in the belly conservatism we long for.
(Note to the GOP: Never, never, never, ever again, present to us a “Compassionate Conservative” as a candidate for President!)
So, today we pay heed to the “scariest story ever told”! We conservatives have one week to decide whether to stay away, our support, the GOP, even with all our anger. Our allegiance is, first and foremost, to our country, not a political party.
This last week, before a political Armageddon, is our last chance to decide whether we want to treat our country so badly, as we know the Democrat Party will treat it, or to stay the course with the Republican party… until we can get ourselves organized into a viable third party.
We have a lot to think about, and a lot to consider, before next Tuesday.