As a citizen of the US, you have NO Constitutional Right To Vote for a Presidential Candidate… period. The right to vote has been left to the states by the founders of the country and the framers of the Constitution. It is a “states rights” issue and it should remain that way.
There is a very strong possibility that your state has given you a “right” to vote in that state under the terms of that state’s constitution, but the federal constitution does not. It is a settled matter… settled by the US Supreme Court.
Now, that brings me to the current debate over whether states have a right to require an ID for voting purposes. Georgia said it does, and passed such a law. A judge in Georgia overturned the law saying that it would disenfranchise some voters who are otherwise qualified.
Now wait a minute! A couple of things jump immediately to the fore, here! First of all, the Voter ID is to insure that citizens of the US, ONLY, get to vote in state and/or federal elections. A voter ID will not disenfranchise anyone who is a citizen.
Look, we are being overrun by the invasion of illegal aliens. An invasion our federal government seems to show little, if any, interest in stopping. Those illegals are draining our state treasuries and putting a serious “hurting” on our federal treasury, as well. Now a judge wants us to allow them to vote?
OK, OK, he’s not saying allow illegals to vote… or is he? Because… that will be the end result of not being able to identify a “would be” voter as an American citizen and, therefore, eligible to vote.
There are those, of course, in Congress, with whom, illegal aliens casting votes would be perfectly acceptable. You see, they have identified those illegals as potential voters for THEIR party.
So far, we allow them entry into the country, illegally, we support them while they are here, with free schooling, free hospital and medical services, and a number of other federal and state programs which are supported by taxpayer money collected from legal citizens of these states… and now they want them to be allowed to choose the governing body of this land… a land, I might mention, they hope to reclaim as their own!
What’s wrong with this picture?
Just about everything!
Voter ID’s would reduce some of the voter fraud at the polls. When I walk into the polling place, here in my hometown, I am greeted with my first name. But, I would be happy to present a card with my picture, and proof of my citizenship, and voter registration, on it to anyone at the polls. In fact, I think NC should pass such a law at the earliest opportunity.
If the US House of Representatives has it’s way… ALL 50 states will be required to institute a Voter ID card program by the year 2010. A few days ago the House passed HR 4484 which would not only mandate that voters show such a card, when they show up to vote, but would mandate that ALL states issue such cards upon confirmation of a voter’s citizenship.
I have to tell you, I like it. Oh, to squelch the argument that some citizens can’t afford to purchase the cards, HR4484 mandates that states must furnish such cards, free, to anyone who can prove they can’t afford to buy one.
This is NOT a poll tax. Poll taxes are illegal in the US.
Both of my states’ Senators favor the bill and will likely vote for it when it reaches the Senate.
Now we can fuss and cuss about this, but think for a moment… none of this would have become necessary have the federal government done it’s job and secured the borders of this country and instituted a reality-based immigration policy.
Immigration should be stopped immediately except for those seeking political asylum in this country as a result of political persecution in their own countries.
As a rule, I am against the federal government involving themselves in the way states run their elections. So, what we have here is another of our “state’s rights” falling due to the incompetence of our federal government.
But, as long as judges overturn laws passed by states, which are well within the rights of the states, then the Congress must overrule those judges with federal law, which secures the rights of states to run elections the way they choose… as the US constitution intended. There's just something WRONG with the Congress having to pass a law to insure that right's, already granted by the Constitution to the states, is protected. But... that's life in the USA today!
I think they should require a highschool diploma to allow people to vote, or better yet a degree with political sciences as a minor. Too many stupid people vote and that is why we get the officials we get. Best idea would let the whole nation do absentee ballots and send them to me and let me vote for everyone, then we would have the best qualified person doing all the decision making and everyone would be happy. If voter ID cards are required then they should have to be free for everyone, not just a select few, why should I have to pay for one because I make $87,500 per year when some dumb tramp got pregnant at 15, had the kid instead of finishing school because she couldn't terminate the pregnancy, get one for free? Get free gasoline to drive her illagitimate child to soccer, gets state assistance, free schooling etc. etc. Why punish me?