Why doesn’t the Democrat party just go ahead and admit that they are scared “witless” of the terrorists in Iraq and, really, just want to run and hide?’
After the President’s speech at Annapolis, they nearly trampled each other to get to a “hot” mike and announce that nothing had changed, they still want to cut and run!
This “Run and Hide” Strategy, of the Democrats, is bound to backfire… and in a big way… soon. They are simply cementing the public’s image of them as a Party that is anti-war, and anti-military, and… cannot be trusted with the nation’s security.
I disagree with the President on a number of his policies, mainly his lack of a policy on illegal immigration. But, on the war, he’s right. Stand and fight! I cannot imagine how the Democrats can actually BELIEVE that running away from an aggressor will WIN the fight! I cannot believe that THEY believe the majority of Americans stand WITH THEM on this policy of “national cowardice”, for that is what it is, pure and simple!
The men and women of our military, all volunteers, ask nothing more than that their country back them. That’s all. They’ll do the fighting… and the dying, if necessary. They’re committed to repaying an obligation, owed by all Americans to their country, but actually paid only by those who wear the uniform and make themselves available to fight her wars.
The Democrat Party today is so different from it’s earlier self, especially during the Second World War. Why, this bunch of Democrats, today, would be calling for the impeachment of Roosevelt… their own President! However, in the ‘40’s, the kind of behavior demonstrated by modern Democrats, toward the war, would be treated as it should be…beneath contempt, as well as un-American.
I grew up in a solid Democrat family. My grandparents had FDR’s Portrait prominently displayed on the wall of their home. He was revered. So was America. No one would dare cast aspersions upon the Democrat Party, or America, and expect to remain in my family’s home. This was true of many, if not most, of the Southern homes of that day. No longer.
Today the South is very nearly “totally” conservative Republican. You can see islands of blue in the municipal areas, but once you leave the city limits of our cities, you are in a sea of red.
Most Southerners cannot agree with the Democrats, simply because they cannot fathom their demonstrated lack of love, and respect, for their own country. I do not foresee a change in the Southern attitude toward the Democrat party any time soon. And that, Dear Reader, is why it is folly for the Democrats to expect a Democrat candidate for President to win the South.
Southerners are fiercely patriotic and they do not see that same patriotism in the Democrat party of today. When the President says we will stand and fight, then, by God, that’s what Southerners will do. Why? Honor, Dear Reader! Honor! Some of you may have to look that word up in the dictionary. But, down South … we know what it means. I mean… we REALLY know what it means.
Down here, when a National Guard Unit, or a Reserve Unit, marches away to war, the whole town turns out to bid them farewell and Godspeed. And, that same town turns out to welcome them back, upon their return. Likewise, the entire town mourns when one of its sons, or daughters, is lost in service to our country. Patriotism is no abstract here.
The President’s speech at Annapolis was “spot on”. We understood what he said and… what he meant. It’s a shame to even debate “cutting and running”. Worse… it is dishonorable!
You want us to continue to fight a war in Iraq, a war where we are the aggressors (since we invaded their country with no provocation) because of honor? First off this war is not world war 11. It bears no resemblance whatsoever. World war 11 was fought to stop the slaughter of innocent people and prevent a ruthless madman from conquering the world. Saddam may have been equally ruthless and evil, but he did not have the military or weaponry to conquer or attack much of anything, much less be a threat to the U.S. Anyway, I could go on, but what would be the point as people like you prefer to use their imaginations instead of facts to form their opinions. One last thing, I seem to recall another war Southerners decided to be the aggressors and fight for their honor, that one worked out real well for you, huh?! I only hope that Americas current leaders let some common sense and intelligence guide them, especially concerning the present or any future wars and not some, macho, war is a glorious endeavor, short-sighted, Honor bullshit. Ps. Have you served your country in the military? I served during the first Gulf war, my Dad did two tours in Vietnam, my Uncle did two tours in Vietnam, my maternal grandfather served in France during World war 1--and guess what? We're all Democrats and northerners. You, your party and your south do not own patriotism--so get over that idea, because it's ignorant and ludicrious.
ReplyDeleteMadam: On occasion a "commenter" comes along and leaves a comment which is a "classic". It underscores everything today's post warns of. The total lack of understanding of honer, what it is, what it does for a people, and why certain geographical parts of this country understand it more than others.
ReplyDeleteThe very things "My South" fought for in the "War of Northern Agression" are summed up here. The Northern States invaded the South. I suppose, if one is willing to be ignorant of the truth, one COULD say the South was the agressor. That doesn't make it true, you understand, it just makes some people feel better about themselves and even more arrogant... not at all different from the attitude of the Northern states toward their Southern brothers and sisters in the 1800's. But then the North was so broke that without Southern money they would have collapsed... and that is not an easy thing to admit to oneself. We understood then, and we understand now, that Northern arrognace covers Northern insecurity.
Yes, I did serve in the US Army and Army Reserve. I was in service during wartime. You may have heard of it... The Vietnam War???
The blood of my kin and my ancestors, in uniform, has been spilled in defense of the USA, and the CSA, all over the globe.
Madam, thank you for stopping by. Your comment has been most helpful.
Best regards,
Unfortunately, some Republican-leaning commentators are edging toward the Cut'n'Run "solution," too.
ReplyDeleteI have no answers, but I'm afraid a consensus is massing that will compel a pullout and leave Iraq to the tender mercies of the Islamists and the Russians.
"I have no answers, but I'm afraid a consensus is massing that will compel a pullout and leave Iraq to the tender mercies of the Islamists and the Russians."
I am very afraid you're correct.
You're hilarious! You evidently don't know anymore about the civil war than you do current issues. The south attacked Ft. Sumter (which was held by union forces)and seceded from the union which precipitated the start of the war. I don't know what planet you're from, but I think most people would agree that, that makes the southerners the aggressors. As for the south having money the north needed, you've got to be kidding?! A large part of the reason that the north won the civil war was because all of the industry was in the north and northern money and industry could afford to arm and equip northern soldiers much better than their southern peers. Southern money was being made mainly through agriculture and with the northern blockade of southern ports and the inability of southerners to sell to the north during the war, the south was in a deep financial crises. Hence why their confederate money was worth nothing and their troops were fighting in rags. Which was in fact the point I was making in the first place, if the south had given some rational thought to the situation instead of allowing their pride and honor to rule their brains, they would have realized before hand that it was a war they could in all likelyhood not win. Take a history class for Gods sake.
ReplyDeleteI personally have no problem with the south or the majority of southerners. I lived in the south in fact for many years. What I have a problem with is people like you, who throw around the term honor as if it's a magic wand that will protect America from its bad decisions and lack of forethought. I also have a problem with anyone who is ignorant and so obviously bigoted against a huge segment of this country that you claim to love so much. Perhaps just you, could secede again since you dislike the north so much. Do you believe we should have stayed in Vietnam for another ten, twenty whatever amount of years, for our honor (just curious)?
Once again, I opened the door... and you came through! How delightful!
ReplyDeleteSome time, when you have the time... look up the tariffs of the 1820's... placed on the South by the Congress. Look up the amount of trade done with Europe, by the South, as opposed to the North. While you're at it, look up the Gross National Product of both sections of the country in the decades preceding the War of Northern Agression. Check out the Tariff(s) of Abomination and the Nullification acts of the South, etc.
Oh, on Vietnam... an honorable nation does not turn tail and run, in a war, especially... one in which they have won all the battles! Once committed, one's honor dictates that one stay 'til the end. One way or the other. A great country wins honorably and/or loses honorably. There is no honor in running. None at all.
The US military was shamed by it's civilian leadership (in Vietnam)and it has taken decades to build the morale of the troops back to battle ready status. Now , once again, we have committed the blood of our men and women to battle, and once again,some among us are proposing "retreat" as an acceptable solution. It cheapens the accomplishments of the US Military and cheapens the lives of our men and women in uniform, and tells the loved one's, of those lost in battle, that their death was in vain.
Even the SUGGESTION of retreat, in the face of the enemy, is distatseful, dispictable, AND dishonorable.
Good day, madam.