The United States On the Way Out… The “North American Union” on the Way In!
If this is new to you, then we recommend you go to this site and read up on it:
As you will quickly see talks are underway to create a “North American Union”. It’s NOT called that, but it’s the same thing. It’s actually called the SPP or the “Security and Prosperity Partnership”. (Sounds very much like the “Southeast Asia Prosperity Sphere” the Japanese tried to sell to Southeast Asia before the Second World War. Except… it’s worse!
You see, the North American Union would take over the government of the United States. Our US constitution would be rendered meaningless and tossed into the dustbin of history. The three sovereign countries the US, Canada, and Mexico would cease to exist. There would be, instead, one nation, the North American Union. Some even say our currency would be changed to a currency similar to the EURO of the European Union.
I assure you, I am not making this up! Sounds like fiction, like science fiction, maybe, but it is not. As you will see the “North American Union” is US policy!
Now you know why our very own government dragged its feet on securing the southern and northern borders of the US. The last thing they want is those borders closed. They want them GONE! The SPP agreement would do just that!
I don’t know about you, but my forefathers, and my ancestors, did not give their lives in battle to preserve something called a North American Union. Hell, NO! They died to help save the United States of America!
Why, the dilution of American conservatism by the liberal Canadians is totally unacceptable. The corruption of Mexico is equally unacceptable. The whole idea, straight out of the bowels of hell, is unacceptable!
Here is a quote from “News with Views”:
“Now, in offices buried in the bureaucratic structures of the United States, Canada and Mexico, twenty “working groups” are hard at work writing policy initiatives for the SPP, covering a wide range of issues including, the manufacture and movement of goods across the borders of the three North American nations: creating a common energy policy and common environmental regulations over the three nations; regulating E-commerce and information communications and technologies; establishing financial services, including loan policy and foreign aid policy; overseeing business facilitation, creating the rules under which businesses will operate in the three nations; establishing food and agriculture policy; and overseeing transportation and health policy.”
See what I mean??? Read the entire article at:
Beginning next year the new superhighway, called the NAFTA Highway, is scheduled for construction to begin. The ten-lane highway would run from the Mexican border to the Canadian border right through Texas and Oklahoma with a huge “inland port” created in Kansas, and finally end in Canada. Proponents of the highway say in order for this highway to operate at it’s maximum… the borders must disappear. Some half a million acres of US land will be needed for this highway. How will the government get that private land? The right of Eminent Domain… which the US Supreme Court, so helpfully, made even stronger by their decision in the Kelo case. Some estimates have as many as one million Americans displaced as a result of their land, and homes, being taken to build this super highway.
Now, if you are a regular to this site, you know I am not into “Conspiracy Theories”. But, something IS going on here!
If you want to see what the US government has to say about all this, then visit the SPP site at:
Look, hard working Americans have managed to build, in 230 years, the greatest nation on the face of the earth. Are we going to stand by, now, and see it taken from us???
Write your Congressperson, and your Senators, and ask them to look into this SPP Agreement and hold public hearings on it so that we, the American people, can get to the bottom of what, exactly, is going on with the “North American Union”.
We can never forgive ourselves if we give away a country, which was bought at so dear a price.
I told you about this a while ago, only I thought it was 12 lanes, maybe that was just my liberal paranoia? Keep voting for backers of big business, shoot we'll all be terrorists in their eyes. Moving the highway off the hoover dam for security reasons was just a ruse, it was the first step in building this nightmare. Millionares are buying up the desert, once completed even the most desolate place will be 40 minute from Vegas. Don't worry your conservative savior, Bush,and the republicans in Congress and the supreme court are going to take care of you, after all, if you aren't with them, you are against them. When I said this, I was told I was smoking something by a few of your readers. Good Day Suh!
ReplyDeleteFrank, I don't understand you. Heck, I'm all over the map with what I suypport and what I don't support. I AM a conservative. And that comes first. I'll support the President when I think he is right and I will not support him when I think he is wrong. Remember, we conservatives have said all along that this president is NOT a conservative.
ReplyDeleteOn the hiway... I've know about it for many months. There ARE two more "lanes"... if you can call them that. One is for a freight train and the other, frankly, I forgot what it is for.
The North American Union thing has just begun to bubble up thru the press. I have been digging around on it since I heard about it. You may not believe it, but I do try to do research on things such as this. I don't do news on this site. It's opinion.
Oh, on the Kool-aid thing, since two of you guys, on the Left, made the same remark, I'm gonna answer: We conservatives drink nobody's Kool-aid. That's partly WHY I'm a conservative. We don't take orders from on high. That is also the reason we are held in such low regard in the lofty positions of the government. Far from taking orders, we will issue a few. and they'd damn well better be listened to!
Look, the Republican Party is about to pay a price for ignoring us. We warned them, and they chose to ignore us. We also told them what the consequences would be... and they continued to ignore us. So, we are momentarily dropping our support. They're in deep trouble. So, they hasten to try to get back into our good graces. It won't work. We are through talking and threatening.
Besides all the scandels the Dems are sure to bring to the Congress will give me, and all the other conservative bloggers, all the fodder we need to keep the internet HOT!
Best regards to you, my friend!
It just bugs me it takes so long for the MSM to get anything out to the people! I've watch on the Discovery channel of all places about the project to move the hiway that crosses the hoover damn off of it for "Security reasons", the truth is the hoover damn won't support all this traffic the relocated crossing point is part of this new hiway. Also I saw a show on there about mansions in the middle of nowhere and it showed all the land in the desert being bought up by millionare developers, water rights, etc. all out in the middle of the desert, I took a look at it and it all follows the route of this new hiway and then it all made perfect sense, all this nowhere space is going to be 40 minutes from Vegas, perfect for developers. If they had this info for years, why didn't we have access to the same info? Not allover the place just connecting dots. I don't want to let this happen, at all costs this must be stopped.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds extraordinarily similar to the building blocks of the European Union. You begin of with the innocent idea of a road and the next thing you are part of a European Super State. I was not against the founding principles of the EU when in was the European Coal and Steel Community of 1951, then we became a trading block to combat the economic power of the US, but what we have now is something completely different. As of 01/01/07 there will be 27 member states, 20 different languages and a population of 461,500,000.
ReplyDeleteThe EU's founder Jean Monnet described the EU's method: "Europe's nations should be guided towards a super state without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation." The single currency was the most important of these steps: as Monnet said, "Via money Europe could become political in five years."
Giuliano Amato, Vice-President of the Convention that drew up the EU Constitution, said, "In Europe one needs to act 'as if' - as if what was wanted was little, in order to obtain much, as if States were to remain sovereign to convince them to concede sovereignty ... The Commission in Brussels, for example, should act as if it were a technical instrument, in order to be able to be treated as a government. And so on by disguise and subterfuge."
The EU has created a system of agencies, over-ministries, which are already directing national governments and civil servants: Europol, Eurojust, the European Human Rights Agency, the European Fisheries Agency, the European Railways Agency, the European Chemicals Agency, the European Aviation Safety Agency, the European Maritime Safety Agency, the European Environment Agency, the European Food Safety Authority, the European Health Protection Agency, the European Health and Safety Agency and the European Defence Agency.
The EU Constitution was designed to give these bodies legal authority, but the EU carries on regardless of the French and Dutch peoples' rejection of the Constitution. We were denied a vote in the UK. A leading military journal, DefenceNews, said, "voters cannot so easily put the brakes on destiny." The head of the European Parliament's defence sub-committee, Karl von Wogau, said, "I am not discouraged for the European Security and Defence Policy because it has its own fixed agenda and that will move ahead even if the constitution is not in place." As Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Council, said, "If it's a Yes we will say 'on we go', and if it's a No we will say 'we continue.' "
Personally, I believe we must respond by demanding that we leave the EU, to save all the EU member nations' national interests, our democracy, our sovereign independence and the right to govern ourselves.
At least the case of Kelo Vs City of New London was decided in your own country. The highest Court of the UK is now in Luxembourg!
On a lighter note, build the road; just don’t build any off ramps on US soil!
Longstreet, my friend, do not go down this road. (No pun intended!)
I recommend that you read the comment above by "Wha Wadna Fecht for Charlie" carefully. Here's a fellow who has been down this road before us with the UK's experience a la the European Union. He knows of what he speaks!
ReplyDeleteThanks "Charlie" for your insight!
Best regards,
Governor Rick Perry, President Bush, and the rest of our bought and paid for politicians, Republican and Democrat both, are hell-bent on this "super" highway.
ReplyDeleteBut, I think, maybe, enough people will stand up against it. Congressman Ted Poe (R-TX), other Texas reps. and hopefully soon to unseat Gov. Perry, Kinky Friedman, will do what is in their power to prevent it. This highway is nothing but two things: a huge land-grab for government and a "roadway" to this North American Union.
Kerry was going to change NAFTA if he was elected President. He was opposed to this, this would not be happening had you guys supported him. Sovernty or party lines? You guys picked the same old "Good Ol Boy" network of Cheap-shots, liars con artists, and thiefs. Not to mention the garbage speweed by the swift boat vets. To this day if I ever meet one on those dishonorable, lying, so called American veterans I will spit in their face and give them a black eye, sorry Vietnamezem, thank god those limpwristed, gutless "soldiers" weren't around during WWII or we'd be speaking German.