Saturday, April 8, 2006

A Worldwide Tax???

This Post First Ran in January of 2005!

A Worldwide Tax?

Not so many weeks ago, there was talk at the UN of a worldwide tax for something or other. We laughed it off. The UN is so puffed-up with it’s own self-importance nothing much surprises us coming from that crowd of international scalawags.

Now our old friend (Well, he SAYS he’s our Old Friend!) Jacques Chirac, of France, is proposing much the same thing. This time it is to alleviate the Aids situation in Africa. Ostensibly.

Look, “Ole Jack” is so far over the top he is verging on the “pitiful”. His ambition to become the President of the United States of Europe is fogging what little brain he has left. He spews forth these idyllic hallucinations as a matter of course these days. Ole Jack needs help. Serious help. His inferiority complex, and that of his nation, France, is getting out of hand… again.

The socialism of Europe is not going to fly in America, as the Democratic Party is learning… much to their chagrin. The Southern States will not allow it. The northern states will most likely slip away, at some point in the future, into the cesspool of socialism such as that of Jacques Chirac and the Old Europe.

So, when Chirac, or the UN, begins talking about a worldwide tax, we Southerners laugh. I mean… a “body shaking” belly laugh. The ridiculous proposal is, in fact laughable, but it also a façade for danger. The danger lurking behind it is encroaching Socialism and One World Government.

We Southerners are not “Globalists”. Even today we want ”to be left alone”. We are not interested in becoming a part of any “One World Government”. We will be on the front lines in the fight to stop such proposals as a worldwide tax, proposed by Mr. Chirac, or the push for Global Government.

It is always good to remember that Thomas Jefferson said: “The price of Freedom is eternal vigilance.” These days we must watch even those who call themselves “our friends”.



  1. Now is as good a time as any to heed George Washington's warning of entangling alliances and get out of the UN, NOW.

  2. True democrats are not globalists either..... I was mad when we joined the W.T.O. I hate NAFTA, GAT, CAFTA. All these agreements and W.T.O. eroding our sovernty as a nation are all piled on us by Corporate politicians The Democans and Republicrats. It is sickening. I am a liberal as far as social constraints on a person's freedom goes but I am definitly rethinking any and all political affiliation with the "Big Two" in this country.

  3. Funny,
    I thought Bill Clinton was a
    "red-blooded,true American" to
    quote you,Frank. Bill Clinton IS
    the definition of an internationalist.By the way, he's
    ALSO a Democrat. Just a thought.

  4. He is a Centrist..... Democrat. I myself am more center-left. I would oppose the W.T.O. and any free trade agreement with any foreign nation. I would not let companies export our jobs. I would not let cheap labor erode the standard of living of our fine middle class. I would impose tariffs to help balance the budget, while easing tax burdens on the middle class and also to stop trade deficits. I would ensure a stable future for all Americans. Bill Clinton is more American than W. could ever hope to be, is probably what I should have said. Shoot with that spew, and I am over 35, maybe I should run in 2008. After all I WILL close the borders. And Longstreet could be my Vice-President with his center-right views we could be a balanced ticket and in 2012 we could flip-flop W/me as second chair.
