Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Another Democrat Voter Registration Drive!

Another Democrat Voter Registration drive!!!

This flier says all you need to know about the Democrat connection to the “demonstrations” by illegal immigrants in the USA.

However, the folks over at “Opinionnation Times” have more to say about it that I think you’ll find interesting. I did. Go visit at:

The Democrats have made another major blunder here. They had the 2006 election pretty much sewed up… ‘til they stepped into the Illegal Immigration mess looking for another minority from which to garner voters. They completely missed the feelings of mainstream America on this issue, or … they simply don’t care! They seem ready to risk even the security of the country to regain power.

The Republicans have underestimated their conservative base, too, or like the Democrats, they don’t care. We got them into power, so, they don’t need us any more. Dream on! They can’t win without the Conservatives. And, right now, they don’t have the conservatives… at all! The bald-faced truth is… Republicans won’t have conservatives in ’06, or ’08, if they don’t reverse themselves, and get on the right side of this issue… and fast!

The right side of the issue is simple: No Amnesty. Deport, or imprison, illegal immigrants… and secure the border with a wall, or a fence, AND the US military.

That’s all conservatives’ want.

Summed up, we want the existing law enforced!

Now... if the photo at the top of this post didn't give you pause, this one ought to. It sums up the story of lawbreakers and mob rule amongst the illegals!

Think about it!



  1. WHERE DID YOU GET THAT PIECE OF RIGHT-WING PROPAGANDA FROM? Maybe we should deport everyone south of the Mason-Dixon line with an I.Q. less than 70..... oh shucks there goes all the odd-ball conservative fundamentalist christian-facists. If you believe that is real, I got some beach-front property for you.

  2. Frank,
    Why is it that you cannot debate
    without using personal attacks?
    Let's dispel some of the left-wing
    myths you have expressed. First,
    has the Democratic Party ever stooped to questionable policies
    to win elections? Have you ever heard about Howard Metzembaum's
    $20 handshakes in Cleveland? How
    about the pints of whiskey in
    the coal fields of KY and WV?
    Or maybe the UMW and Teamster "Goon" squads used for years to suppress oppostion voter
    turn-out? When Bob Beckel,the noted Democratic strategist admits
    to committing voter fraud on national television,you,if you ARE
    an independent thinker,have to accept this alleged handout as a
    possibilty. Personally, I would prefer additional corrobration of
    its authenticity.Frank,have you EVER been to a fundamentalist(personally I HATE the term)Christian church?Do YOU know what
    fundamentalist or conservative Christians believe? Therefore can
    YOU,being ignorant of their beliefs,honestly and fairly judge
    them?My parents were fundamentalist
    Christians and registered Democrats.I consider your characterization of them as knuckle-dragging, uneducated simpletons as an insult. YOU didn't know them. I DID!! To me,
    it's the same a calling you a "crossback" or "mackeral snapper"
    because you are a Catholic. By the
    way, are conservative Catholics included in YOUR deportation list?
    Frank, I have lived BOTH in the North and the South. I prefer the
    South,mainly because the people are
    GENUINE.There is no pretense down
    there. Yes, I have lived in Ohio,too. Let me reveal something to you, Frank. In a past posting,
    you said we would still believe the
    sun orbited the earth if the
    fundamentalist Christians had their
    way.Really? Capurnicus,the father of solar astronomy,was burned at the stake by the Roman Catholic Church. Why? Heresy. He believed the earth orbited the sun contrary
    to Papal edict. Galileo, the father of modern astronomy, was placed under house arrest by the Roman Catholic Church for the remainder of his life. Why? He taught Capurnicus's theory to his
    students. He was lucky. They didn't use him for a bonfire.

  3. Hoosier....... Thanks for the advice. Did you know Diebold, the company from Texas that makes computerized voting machines, got thrown out of 2 counties in Florida because they changed election results in 2 counties? Fact. They also guaranteed that if ohio used their machine bush would win re-election. Blackwell the head of Bushes campaign in ohio and attorney general never had to testify about suspcious results in the state. I will only vote absentee now because our county switched to them. But you see you talk about debate, to me there is none I am closed minded. You guys call libearls socialists, communist, even enemies of freedom. The only enemies of liberals I have seen in history was facism... We (the Americans) united with communists to defeat it, Europe remembers it too well and won't tolerate movements towards it, (to the right). You guys villify liberals, as common folk we share some views, want some of the same things for different reasons, as common folks we are quite the same...... as political adversaries though, we remain mortal enemies. Like the story of "the scorpion and the frog".... It is our nature. You talk about Galileo, that was when the Catholic church followed strict "fundamentals"... Luckily it has grown wiser (wisdom is a gift from God accompanied by age and experience). that is all i ask from God is to one day be old and wise and someone once said to be old and wise, at one point you had to be young and foolish.... At 36 am only half way there. and being GENUINE is all in your interpretation of the word and how you view ones actions and they express their beliefs.... I am a genuine liberal, you area genuine conservative.

  4. Flash! I WAS WRONG!!
    Copernicus(correct spelling) was NOT burned at the stake as I was taught many years ago. He died
    of a cerebral hemorrhage;the facts
    I stated on Galileo were correct.
    Hey,when I am WRONG I admit it.

    Frank, remember I only recognize
    FACT. Can you give me a reference
    on the Diebold story? A credible
    source,OK.The 8th Congressional
    District of Indiana had a very similar problem with PAPER ballots
    back in 1984. Frank Mc Closkey,a VERY Liberal, Democrat was runnning for re-election. His challenger, John Hostetler is a very Conservative Republican. The
    Indiana 8th used to be the most
    diverse district in the state.Very
    liberal up around Bloomington;very
    conservative down in Dubois and
    Vanderburgh counties. The campaign
    was brutal to say the least.On Election night,the count was too
    close to call. Hostetler was ahead
    by 100 votes. Just one small problem:Hanging chads!!!The ensuing
    court battle was finally resolved
    in Congress. The Democratic majority seated McCloskey inspite
    of the hanging chad issue. McCloskey won that battle,but lost
    the war. Hostetler beat him in the following election by 15,000 votes.
    The difference? The Indiana General
    Assembly outlawed paper ballots. The counties have to use electronic
    voting machines. Frank,remember one
    other detail from the 2000 Florida
    debacle.1500 absentee ballots were
    voided in Hillsborough County. All
    these ballots were military service
    member stationed overseas.
    Being closed-minded is nothing to be proud of. I have NEVER called
    a Liberal a Communist. A Socialist
    yes.The term socialist refers to a
    person who supports socialism. Frank,would you agree that there are policies that Liberals have espoused that could be considered
    socialism? Would you say the Social
    Democrats which control most of Western Europe have socialist tendencies(think about what going on in France). Additionally,the
    Social Democrats control of Western
    Europe is a fairly new development.
    Most governments of our European allies were center-right(with the
    exception of France)until the collapse of the Warsaw Pact. I personally do not vilify Liberals.
    Many of my friends would be considered Liberals. We agree to disagree,but it NEVER becomes personal.
    Frank, if you want to understand
    why liberalism frightens Conservatives, read "Das Kapital"
    and "Communist Manifesto" by Karl
    Marx. Marx believed that individual rights could not exist
    along with the Proletarian system
    of government. All the radical
    Left preached in the 70's and 80's
    was Marxism.
    I believe God instilled in each man
    the desire for freedom.I also believe that we,as humans, have an
    inborn desire to succeed. Socialism
    stifles both.
    Frank, we are NOT mortal enemies.
    I do not wish see Liberals destroyed. We are passionate about
    our heart-felt beliefs. THAT,my friend, is what democracy is all
