“Mr. President, it’s time to fight back. Actually, sir, it’s past time! It’s beginning to look bad and your conservative base is again looking for the exits.
Sir, we’ll go to the wall for a President willing to stand his ground and defend conservative issues. We’ll go to the wall with a President willing to lead the attack against the American Left. But, Mr. President, we will not defend a President who will not defend himself! It’s time, Mr. President, to come out swinging. Use the authority of your office and bring counter pressure to bear on your critics on the Left and in the Congress. If you do that, sir, we will stand with you. If you do not, we will walk away.
Mr. President your popularity poll numbers are down, not because of what you have done, as the Left supposes, but because of what you have not done. We want, and we demand, a strong President. One who will not show weakness, sir. Begging your pardon, sir, but your weakness is showing.
We need you to lead from the front, Mr. President. If Mr. Rove is distracted so much, them please reassign someone on your staff to assist you in regaining your focus. Do not ask for Mr. Rove’s resignation. If fact, keep him on as an in- your- face gesture of spite aimed at the Democrats. It can be a diversion for them as we maneuver around them in the Congress.
To put it as clearly as I know how, Mr. President, we want Our President back. You know, the one with the “Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead” attitude. We can’t wait much longer. We have an election coming in 2006 and we need to be turning our attention toward that, and focusing on that, even as I write this piece.
Sir, we each have to play the hand we are dealt. Sometimes it is a rotten hand, indeed. But we are bound to play it, in any event. You’re holding some rotten cards right now, but pretty soon the deck will be reshuffled and new cards dealt. Good poker players bluff until that good hand comes along. Do not fold. We cannot influence the game if you’re not in it.
Stay in the game, sir, and you… and we, will sweep the table!”
Blogger's Rally for Bush:
We have similar thoughts on this.
I wish the conservative base would find the exists right out of our country! And uh take this retard of a facist president with you.
ReplyDeleteI got some advice for the president, "Eat more Pretzels"