Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Keep the Pressure on the Democrats!

Why is the President backing off from his aggressive counter attack on the Democrats over the pullout of troops from Iraq? Why, for heaven’s sake?

If there is one thing I fault this President over, this is it. NEVER back off and NEVER back down! Go for the jugular, latch onto it, and do not turn loose ‘til the prey stops struggling!

The Ole “Pullout Party” has no intention of softening their attack. Why in the world should we?

Elections are just a few weeks away now in Iraq. The so-called "insurgents" are going to pour it on in the next few days and weeks. They will wreak as much havoc as they possibly can between now and then.

Let me see if I can explain something. I’m no military strategist, nor tactician. But most military, and ex-military types, see Iraq for what it is… a killing ground. It has been carefully designed that way by our military planners in the Pentegon.

The idea is to draw as many terrorists into Iraq as we can… and kill them there. Yes, there are more terrorists there today than there were when we invaded. That was what we planned. Remember the President said: “Bring it on!”. That was what he meant. Bring them on… to Iraq.

It’s simple, really. If we can get them to commit, in Iraq, and use as much of their resources there, and their personnel there, as possible, we will weaken their entire infrastructure. The added plus is… that we keep them occupied there… and away for the United States!

You see the box score in the local papers every day, or two, listing the number of Americans killed in Iraq. You never see the same type of box score listing the number of terrorists killed. The political Left would have a conniption fit if they knew how many of those people we have killed! They military learned its lesson with “body counts” in Vietnam. Never again.

Iraq is the chosen killing ground. They continue sending them… and we continue killing them. At some point attrition will catch up with the terrorists.

Granted, this is a bloody way to wage a war, but the dividends are worth it. Our causality rate is low. (Believe me… 2000 KIA’s in 3 years is extremely low.)

This is not the time to even think of pulling out. Now is not the time for the President to back off the pressure on the Democrats. They painted themselves into this corner, now force them to pay the price for it. If the Republicans don’t keep the pressure up you can be sure the Democrats will turn it back on them at the first opportunity. The Republicans will take the Democrats to the very edge of the cliff and then... fail to throw them off. Why is that? I don’t get it.

Soon the Republicans will have another opportunity to get the Democrats to commit hari-kari. It is looking more and more as if they intend to filibuster the nomination of Sam Alito to the Supreme Court. If they do, the Republicans would be well advised to bring the hammer down with the Constitutional Option and be done with it.

Many Republicans, including myself, are beginning to feel that we are wasting our time, and efforts, in supporting the Republican Party. Maybe we should create our own party… a Conservative Party, a party that will not hesitate when the chips are down. Something to think about, what?



  1. I'm sure the Iraqis will love us for turning their country into a killing field.

  2. It must be really disheartening for the Republican party to see EVERY SINGLE POLL coming out (even Fox News!) showing that the vast majority of the American people agree with the Democrats on Iraq. Hell, they're even MORE liberal than the Democratic Party.

    Was that a toilet I heard flushing? The conservative "revolution" is OVER.

  3. We can only hope and pray the vast cloud of ignorance called the conservative revolution is gone. They will find away to fix more elections don't worry, the "Dark Side" will be back.

  4. Just want to wish all you guys a Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for visiting Insight.


  5. One thing. If the conservatives should decide to pull out and create another political party, it will become, overnight, the majority party in the US.
