Saturday, November 26, 2005

Open Letter to Congressional Republicans

(This Post originally ran in April, 2005)

OK, here’s the deal…we Republicans want our party back! It has been taken over by some lightweight, hot air types who do not have the testosterone to do what we sent them to Washington to do. Where these guys came from, we’re unsure, but it appears they were disguised as conservatives before and through the election.

Well, there is another congressional election next year and if the Republicans want to remain in power in Washington, they’d better “harken unto their rank and file”.

As it stands right now, we will stay away from the poles "in droves" and allow the Congress to fall back into the hands of the Left Wing Democrats. At least we KNEW what they were about! Indeed that was why we sent you GOP Representatives and Senators to DC… to shut the Democrats down.

And you are not doing it!

If you do not do the job we hired you to do, we WILL FIRE YOU!

As a Conservative Republican I am fed up. The limp wristed, testosterone challenged group of so-called legislators bearing our standard in the Congress are imposters. They do not represent the true Republican Party. If you wish to find the True Party, you have to look far to the right of those puny standard bearers in DC.

Let me give you an example. We want the President's Judicial appointments approved by the Senate. We can do it, we know how to do it, but the Senate Majority leader and other Republicans are AFRAID that if they enforce the so-called "Nuclear Option" and get the President's appointments approved... the Democrats will refuse to take part in any policy making… period, and effectively shut down the Senate. Well! Hoop dee doo! What a wonderful result. Something most Right Wing Conservatives, like me, dream about, shutting down the government, even if it is only one part of the Legislative branch. The only time I feel truly safe, in the USA, is when Congress is in adjournment or…. shut down.

So, Senator Frist, enforce the "Nuclear Option" and let the Democrats shut the Senate down. I, and my compatriots on the right side of the Party, will celebrate and you will insure your reelection to the Senate (should you decide to seek re-election to the Senate dispite your self imposed "Term Limits") and a possible run for the Presidency in ’08. But refuse to do this, or allow the Democrats to beat you down, and you, sir, with all respect, are finished! No need to even enter the race next time around. You will have effectively ended your career.

Now, we Conservatives are serious about this. Take us lightly... at your political peril. We have had it. It is way past time to fish or cut bait!

To those so-called "Maverick Republicans", beloved of the "Main Stream Media", and despised by the rank and file Republicans, we implore you… leave. We do not want you in the GOP. Go over and join the Democrats you love so much. We do not need, nor do we want, your presence in the GOP. You know who you are. You are the so-called "Moderates". You have no passion. You have your actions dictated by fear of the press, and fear of Democrat rage. You have no place in a bold, forward-looking, passionate, political party. Please leave. Leave quickly.

In the meantime, we Conservatives expect those Republicans left to get it in gear and get the President’s policies passed into law, to stop spending like drunken sailors, and get the Supreme Court and the Federal Court system, safely in the hands of Conservatives. It can be done and we expect you to do it, or… do not ask for our vote next election.



  1. I don't believe any conservatives were shocked or dismayed when Bush and Cheney came out swinging in response to the over the top accusations made by the left. In fact all the conservatives I know were happy to see the Republicans start acting as if they had backbone.

  2. I know I was! I just want them to keep it up. Do not slack off! Get in their faces and stay there!

    Hope you had a great holiday!

