Yesterday the Democrats in the US Senate had what has the appearance of a collective nervous breakdown.
The strain finally

Bill Frist, the Senate Majority Leader was reported to have said that he can no longer trust Reid. (My only question for Mr. Frist is... whatever led him to believe he could trust Reid, or any other Democrat Senator, in the first place???)
So now, we have proof positive that the "Looney Left" has indeed, taken control of a once great political party in the US and is driving it to destruction.So far as calls for Vice-President Cheney to step down... that’s fine with me… so long as the President replaces him with Condi Rice, thus, setting the table for the Presidential run against Hillary in ’08. The positioning would be just perfect. So, the Dems might want to reconsider that. No, they won’t. They appear not to have the collective intelligence to reason that far.
If there was any doubt that the Democratic Party has imploded, yesterday’s stunt in the Senate is ample proof.
But, you know, they have no idea how ridiculous that looks! That is the thing that just baffles me! I keep waiting for a “grown-up” in the Democrat Party to say, “Wait a Minute, this is wrong! This is ridiculous. We need to rethink this and consider our public image.” But they don’t. They no longer have the capacity... and, as a result, their clown act continues.
One thing is for sure; the Republicans in the US Senate will have to continue to apply pressure. If the Democrats are intent on self-destruction we should lend assistance at every opportunity.
In a way, I feel pity for them because everything they have tried failed. It has been one failure after another. They have no hope of success, anytime soon, and they are bereft of ideas and find themselves falling back on stunts, and prolonged camera time, to condemn the Republicans, and disrupt the business of the US Senate, and the country.
Now, if we can only get them to mount a filibuster against Judge Alito….
Don't feel pity for them. The left would have no pity for you! They have failed becuse their political philosophy is incompatible with the fundamental ideals of the people of the USA.