So the Democrats have decided to come clean have they? No more pussyfooting around. Just the facts, eh?
Ok. What are the facts? Well, on the outside chance that you may have been wondering, Democrat Congressman John Murtha, of Pennsylvania, made it crystal clear yesterday, Thursday, November 17th, 2005. The Democrats want US troops withdrawn from Iraq in 6 months. This is the Democrat "Hawk" the "mediacrats" decided to puff up and stand up before their mikes?
Murtha is hardly a "hawk". In less than half a year after the invasion of Iraq, Murtha was calling for the President to withdraw the troops. Remember, he had the same information on Saddam, and Iraq, that the President did. He voted for the war!
No... contrary to what the MSM is telling us, the Democrats have folded. When the chips are down they just do not have what it takes to face a national enemy and fight for America. All they are interested in is POWER in the government of the US. Nothing more! It simply isn't in them to fight for freedom. Freedom and the security on the country is secondary to power for the US Democrat Party.
So, that’s it! They’re defeated! They surrender! They’re whipped! They capitulated! They rolled over! They threw in the towel. They quit! They retreated! They just plain chickened-out!
That yellow streak they have been trying so hard, for months now, to conceal, just burst forth into the bright sunshine of truth! The Islamic terrorists have defeated the US Democrat Party! And all they had to do was be persistent!
It is embarrassing! It is truly embarrassing for the rest of America to be associated with this bunch of jelly spined cowards. Tell me, how do they live with themselves? How do they bear the shame and manage to go about the everyday duties of just getting on with life when they are scared of their own shadows. How? How do they live with the stench of cowardice emanating from their jaded souls? How can they live with themselves knowing they have just told the families of the men, and women, who died in Iraq that their loved one's life was given for nothing, that their dead loved one has died in vain.
Do you begin to see why I have said over, and over, that we can never trust the Democrat party with the security of this nation… ever again? If we do, there will be no nation. They simply do not have the spine to stand and fight for the freedom we enjoy as Americans. They will give this country away in the blink of an eye. The US Democrat Party makes the French look like courageous heroes!!!
How they can deceive themselves into thinking we can leave this war IN Iraq is beyond me. Unlike Vietnam, this war will follow us back home to our own shores. And why not? The insurgents understand that they can win, even in America, itself, because the Democrat Party will not resist them. Worse, they know the Democrat Party will do everything in it’s power to place roadblocks in the way of anyone else who tries to stand against the enemies of America.
Where is the patriotism? Where? Where are the national leaders who will stand against the enemies of this country foreign AND DOMESTIC?
The Democrat Party needs to be slapped down, and slapped down hard, over their "sell out" of the security of America. For that is what it is.
Don’t ever ask me not to question their patriotism again. What is patriotic about surrender? What?
Now we know why the terrorists have not hit the US again since 9-11. Why should they? They can see the Democrat Party is all they need to bring America down. It is not necessary for them to risk their men and materiel in America itself. The Democrats will not resist and will not allow others to resist.
The Democrat Party is the “Shame of America”.

The Democrats have gone too far! They are advocating surrender. Surrender on the eve of victory. 23 million Iraqis liberated and a month away from an election. Millions more Afghans no longer under the boot of the Taliban. Democrat traitors are ready to sell out all these people in the hope of regaining power so they can shove their socialist utopia down the throats of Americans.
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