This should be the shortest State of the Union Address in the history of the country.
With 41 out of 45 Democrats in the US Senate voting against Sam Alito for the Supreme Court, you want to talk ABOUT union?
How about DISUNION!
“Disunion” is more like it. Disunion is a better description of this country today!
I’m sort of an amateur historian and I cannot remember a time, from my study of history, in which this country was as torn, as Balkanized, as it is today, except for the 1850’ and 1860’s. It took a war to solidify the union then... and even then, one half of the country had to be FORCED back into the UNION at bayonet point and held there, by the same, until their children, and their children’s children could be indoctrinated into believing that their ancestors were wrong, were traitors, were rebels, racists, bigots, and so on.
Now it’s no longer north and south at each other’s throats. It’s worse. It’s far more dangerous. It’s the red states against the blue states, and the blue states against the red states. And there is no end in sight.
There is only one way for this to be resolved. No one wants to think it, let alone say it out loud. We all know, deep down, what the answer is and someday, not in my lifetime I hope, the inevitable will happen and there will be two geographical countries within the current borders of the contiguous states of the so called UNITED States.
The bitterness only gets worse, day-by-day. We can’t even have a civil conversation without name calling, and baiting, and shouting those who disagree with us down. This is exactly the atmosphere, in the late 1850’s, which led to the calamitous war, which began in the spring of 1861.
Maybe the inevitable will release the pressure and let us live, at least, on the same continent without screaming and pointing fingers at each other. But, I doubt it.
Today the US Senate confirmed Sam Alito to the Supreme Court with a vote of 58 to 42. 41 of those 42 voting against Alito were Democrats. There is all the evidence one needs to see how far our country has sunk into the morass of mean spirited politics, and downright “hatred” for each other.
What a horrible situation we have created for each other. What a dangerous situation. What a fragile society we have created.