The American Left is making a mistake that could easily keep them in the losing column in 2006 and 2008. Their mistake is so blatant that one would question whether or not it is intentional.
It might well be.
What is this mistake I’m rambling on about?
Yes, America’s Evangelicals. They are a powerful force. An Evangelical force which believes, without a shadow of a doubt, that God is on their side and... they further believe it is their duty to vote against, what they perceive, as the "Godless Left" in America.
Now, you may agree, or disagree, with America’s Evangelicals, but it makes no difference. They are a force to be reckoned with. So far the Democrat Party is doing everything in their power to insure that Evangelicals do not support them... no matter how many telephone calls President Bush, and NSA listen in on.
Evangelicals can’t stand the thought of abortion.
Evangelicals believe the Bible condemns homosexuality and... that the scriptures state that homosexuals will not enter heaven.
Evangelicals support the war on terrorism, and the war in Iraq, as one and the same war.
Evangelicals believe in Creationism and Intelligent Design, which, so far as they are concerned, is one and the same.
Evangelicals believe “In God We Trust” should be on our money.
Evangelicals believe this is “One Nation under God” and that phrase should be in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Evangelicals believe this country was founded on Christian beliefs and that is why it is tolerant of other religions.
Evangelicals do not believe in the Constitutional separation of Church and State. They want the two seperated, but, they simply don’t see how, in a Christian nation, that is possible.
Evangelicals believe they have a God given calling to bar Godless Leftists, and Socialists, from the halls of Congress, and the Whitehouse, and the Supreme Court.
Evangelicals hate feminism. Many feel it is witchcraft. The biblical sentence for witchcraft, as with homosexuality, is death.
Evangelicals hate the “sin” and love “the sinner”. This is particularly difficult for the Left to wrap it’s collective minds around.
Evangelicals believe they are subject first to God’s Law and then man’s law.
Evangelicalism is the fastest growing of the Christian faiths in the United States. They have lots of power and they are not afraid to use it.
Your can quickly see why the American Evangelical movement sides with Republicans and works tirelessly against the American Left. It’s not so much that they love the Republicans, but it is that the Republicans do not condemn them and, do not talk down to them, and actually appreciates their support… and tells them so.
The American Left represents so much of what the scriptures define as sin and the scriptures warn all men not to participate in those sins.
To even begin to undertand Evangelicals, you must understand, first, they believe the Bible is the "Infallable Word of God". Every single word is inspired by God. They read, and, interrpret, the scriptures literally. (See the paragraph above.)
The American Left is preached against every Sunday from the millions of Evangelical pulpits. Don’t misunderstand… the preachers do not name the American Left and it’s platform, as sin, but the scriptures do… and the preachers preach from the scriptures. Unlike many mainline denominations, the Evangelical preacher does not champion secular causes, and push environmental concerns, and such, from the pulpit. They preach from the scriptures... and the scriptures, which the evangelical believes to be the infallible Word of God, rails against, and condemns, so much of the American Left’s platform.
The American Evangelical is taught to “Seek first the kingdom of heaven and all these (other) things will be added unto you”. In other words the scriptures tell the Evangelical to get his, or her, priorities right. God first… and everything else after that.
The American Left has come to represent all things ungodly, to the Evangelical, as well as a force of, and for, evil in the country and the world.
The power of Evangelicals can, and does, swing national elections.
Laugh if you must, make fun of them, if you must,… but , if you are a supporter of the American Left, remember this: the Evangelical will be choosing your President, and your Congressman, and your Senators. This is simply the way it is... and it isn’t going to change anytime soon. Any chance of that happening was cancelled out by the Clinton Administration. The current crop of “Lefties” is just sealing the American Left’s tomb.
Evangelicals are an immoral, hate mongering group of twisted fundamentalists, just like alqueda, the only difference is that they twist Christianity instead of the muslum religion. It is sad that the republican party plays the cards to milk these voters. Anyone who listens to Pat Roberts or goes to Bob Jones University has no business even using the name of my savior Jesus Christ in a sentence.
ReplyDeleteIt is a whole lot more fun slamming the idiots at the top than it is defending and apologizing for them. The Bush Administration is like the clown above the water. He just gets dunked over and over again, and you guys keep putting him back up there. And the more time passes, more and more of his friends wind up there with him...only to be dunked along with him.
ReplyDeleteBut his evangelical defenders are in a state of permanent drunkenness, since the only ones who benefit from Bush's policies and misdeeds are the preachers, who get kickbacks for their marketing services.
The dumb crowd doesn't even realize their preacher is on the take. Far from Jesus, frankly.
There is hardly anything more laughable than an ardent working-class Tory. But turn on the TV and watch them gather by the thousands.
It really is quality, not quantity. The house of cards is falling down, if you haven't noticed. But perhaps it is schadenfreude that makes me hope the Republicans occupy the clown seat even beyond the point where adult supervision is demanded, and the Democrats are required to put things back in order. They should just sit it out. Let the blame and the damage done...sink in. Otherwise the blame will simply be shifted to them.
Republicans need to pay for their egregious theft, untruth, corruption and mediocrity.
Republicans need to pay for their egregious theft, untruth, corruption and mediocrity."
Have you seen the complete list of Senators and Congressmen and women who took money from Abramoff?
I have. Believe me, this is a situation which will cut both ways.
i did some thinking (for once). Seems funny we loose jobs, freedoms, are in a war, the president is spying on us and all that seems to matter is what a woman and her doctor discuss, or who can and who can't get married. As a Hetrosexual male it doesn't affect me if a woman can get an abortion (it's non of my business) It also doesn't bother me if 2 men get married or if 2 women get married (to each other). That is not a decision I need to make for someone else. I do not have the right to tell them they can't. One person doesn't have the right or moral obligation to choose such matters for another person in a free society. Maybe we should decide that evangelicals since they do not vote on educated beliefs should not be allowed to vote. Oh yeah about the president spying on us. My answering machine now says, "Hi Jack, Allah, I mean Alan, boy the Patriots really bombed the game at Denver. Now that I have the attention of the NSA tell Bush he is doing a terrible job and the resources you used to listen to this phone call could have been used legally to stop a real terrorist." I encourage all who read this to do something similar at home. better if you know someon off shore and start every conversation with "Hi Jack".
ReplyDeletePeople like Frank and AnonyMoses are the best thing going for the Bush administration..They cancel out all the boo boos made by The President. Thanks Frank and Moses.
ReplyDeleteI will aleays choose personal freedom over religious oppression, that is why we have a first ammendment afterall to protect personal freedoms from religious zelluts. Before you condemn me, I am a Christian and personally would not recomend an abortion for myself (I am a male) nor would I marry another man (I am also straight) but I do not have a right to put those same restrictions on one of my American brothers or sisters.
ReplyDeleteMr. Nobody,
ReplyDeleteFrank and I enjoy having more power than Mister Bush. Thanks for noticing.