Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Left's Bitterness Toward Christianity.

What is it with all the bitterness towards Christians emanating from the Left in America?

I see a lot of it in the comments on this blog. Sometimes, the comments just reek with bitter bile toward Christians. And, they go after the Jews, too. I’m given to understand that “Neocon” is code, on the Left, for “Jew”.

The “American Thinker” has a terrific piece on this. I recommend my readers go here:

Very interesting reading, indeed!



  1. I’m given to understand that “Neocon” is code, on the Left, for “Jew”.

    Actually, "Neocon" is code for unAmerican, warmongering, fascist psychopaths. Only someone with a really warped sense of values would try to make you believe otherwise. And only a fool would believe it...

  2. I think it is misunderstood. I don't think I or others sharing my political philosophy hate Christianity. (I am a Christian). I don't like religion being used to sell politics. I don't care for people who wear it on their sleeves or don't use intelligence when making important decisions. I also find a difference between religious people like: Orell Roberts, the guy who was going to cure cancer with donations of $240.00 from each follower, Pat Roberts, a supposed man of God who calls for the execution of foreign leaders. Or these other "religious" folks who go to military funerals and proclaim that God is killing our troops because of social evils in this country. And true Spiritual people like Ghandi, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, The Dally Lama, Mother Teresa, and so on. And I end, as I do so often with coments about "Religious extrmists", Lord Jesus save us from your followers. I will always pray we get a truely spiritual person to lead this nation instead of a religious on.
