Have you seen Brokeback Mountain? Neither have I… and I don’t plan to see it.
Holly wood just continues to make these “trash art” films time after time, even after the public rebukes them and refuses to go see them. That’s what is happening to Brokeback Mountain.
But, it serves to push a cause the Hollywood left believes in, and that is, homosexuality and the “normalcy” of that lifestyle.
Now, before you start banging out that hate mail to me, understand, … I don’t care what you sexual preferences are. Just keep them out of my sight and do not insist that I agree, and support, your lifestyle.
Did you ever meet an honest to God cowboy? I mean a real live western, outdoorsman, replete with worn spurs and chaps and a beat up old Stetson, which looked as if it had been trampled by cattle… and probably had been.
I have.
The US Army saw fit to station me out west for while, many years ago. After service, I became an announcer for a Rodeo. A job, which I managed to hang onto for a couple of years. I met the real thing.
The cowboy is the standard American men aim for... as men. At least... it was for my generation. He was/is a no nonsense, right is right and wrong is wrong, type of guy, who minds his own business and wishes, with all his heart, that you’d mind yours. He doesn’t have much to say. As a result, when he does speak, you listen. It’s important.
He may indulge in alcoholic beverages (probably does), smoke cigarettes, and even chews a little tobacco… or a lot. But that’s his business and you are invited to stay out of it…. his business, I mean.
The American Cowboy is an American Icon. And that is the reason the Hollywood Left is going after him. It’s another attempt to “define deviancy down”.
Hollywood has much to answer for. They have been the root cause of more damage to American youth by setting life standards so low that one can casually reach them with no effort. The REAL standards of how one should live one’s life are unattainable, according to Hollywood; therefore... the standards they present on the screen are sold to our youngsters… as all they need. It’s pathetic.
And now, they are going after the last standard bearer for American men, the cowboy.
It’s deplorable, and it is repugnant!
Chuck Baldwin has something to say about "manly men" in his post at “The Conservative Voice”. I recommend that you go there and spend some time reading what Chuck has to say… and think about it. I mean REALLY think about it. I agree with Chuck, and the feminizing of men has been worrying me for sometime.
Read Chuck’s article: “Food for Thought: Whatever happened to Masculinity?”
You can find Chuck’s post at:
AHHH you got it Longstreet..... Cowboys out on the range, Where men are men and sheep are nervous.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean. How many impressionable young men are going to see that movie and go gay? Luckily that guy in Sandy Utah pulled the movie from his theater so no one would see it. Guys in that town watched Hostel instead and began immitating that behavior. Thank God!
ReplyDeleteWe are sadly running out of Real Men today.
ReplyDeleteThe human race depends upon real men to take their place as the providers for, and defenders of, the women and children.
The price we will pay in the long run, for emasculating our men, is a weakening of the human race.
My father taught me to shoot, and to fight. He taught me the manly art of protecting myself and others who may need protection. That just is not happening anymore.
We have gangs of barbarians roaming the streets of our cities having been raised by mothers who were too busy working to provide food, clothing, and shelter, for them, to civilized them, (which is the mother's lot). With no male influenece to show them how to channel that male energy into contructive avenues and to treat women with the respect they deserve, we have created a sub- culture of barbarian beasts who rule whole sections of our urban areas.
It does not take a village to raise a child!!! It takes a Mother AND a FATHER! One is as important as the other to produce a well balanced, well adjusted child who knows his place in society and is ready to accept the responsibility that goes with it, when he reaches the age of majority.
We don't have that today and we are just beginning to pay the price for it.
J. Davis