Friday, January 6, 2006

Dems Delay Defeat by Delaying de Hearing!

More shameful behavior by the Senate Democrats!

The delaying and obfuscation by the Democrats continues as they delay the Alito hearing for another week. (There seems to be some confusion here. the latest reports explain that the hearings will go on as planned, only the actual vote will be delayed for an additional week. Why?)

Oh, yeah, it’s legal, according to the rules:

1. Senate Judiciary Committee
Rules of Procedure I.3:

At the request of any Member, or by action of the Chairman, a bill, matter, or nomination on the agenda of the Committee may be held over until the next meeting of the Committee or for one week, whichever occurs later.

It would not surprise me, as some are suggesting, that the Democrats will use the wording of the above rule to delay the hearings by as much as eight weeks! That’s a one-week delay for each Democrat member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Look closely at the wording of the rule: “At the request of any Member”.

If the Republicans only had some leadership in the Senate! If the GOP was rid of the Democrats parading around in Republican disguise! If only the Senate Republicans would grow A PAIR OF CAJONES!

Republicans desperately need a Majority Leader in the Senate, for we surely don’t have one now. We need a “street-fighter” Leader. We need someone who will take the fight straight to the Democrats and offer no quarter. Instead the Republicans are acting as doormats for the Dems in the Senate! As a Conservative Republican, I’m sick of it… and I want Frist gone… ASAP!



  1. "If the GOP was rid of the Democrats parading around in Republican disguise!"

    Then there would be a Democratic majority.

  2. A good democratic leadership would delay the hearings until we get a Liberal President to make a Liberal appointment. shoot then get rid of all the conservative activist judges (by any means necessary) and appoint a whole new supreme court.

  3. "Then there would be a Democratic majority."

    If that's what it takes to purge the party of the likes of McCain and Specter, then I'm all for it. The country could stand the pain of being milked dry, by the democrats, for an election cycle, or two, in order to get a pure Republican majority back in the Senate.

  4. "A good democratic leadership would delay the hearings until we get a Liberal President to make a Liberal appointment. shoot then get rid of all the conservative activist judges (by any means necessary) and appoint a whole new supreme court."

    Your President, FDR, the man who introduced Socialism into America, tried that, already. He tried stacking the court. Got caught. Didn't work!

  5. Just like Bush is stacking them now? and he is introducing us to facism and imperialism? Wake up buddy they big coporate takeover of our nation is emminate, especially with the Republicans in power.
