The US appears to be positioning itself for a strike against Iran.
Reports in the European press, just a few days ago, reported that CIA director Porter Goss had been making a tour of the Middle East informing governments, friendly to the US, what to expect. There is some questionable material in the reports, especially the info that CIA Director Goss was/is spilling the news to the Arab states in the area. I ain’t buying that.
That preparations are being made, however, for such a strike should come as no surprise to anyone… save the Iranian government, who still judges the US by the weakness it found in the Jimmy Carter administration, arguably the worst Presidency the US has ever had… in it’s entire history.
Iran is leaving the US no choice. We cannot allow the development of a Nuclear Arsenal by Iran. So, there WILL be a strike.
Some are saying the President will be starting “Another War”. I wouldn’t refer to this as “starting a war”. This is an attempt at “preventing a war” a much, much, larger war in the Middle East. .
It is a given that if Iran gets the bomb, they will use it. Somebody has to take their facilities out. There is nobody else left who can do it. They haven’t the will… or the means. (Short of Israel, that is. And I can see the reason for trying to keep Israel out of it as long as possible. Israel has told the Arab League that they will not hesitate to use their nuclear arsenal on any Arab, or (the) Persian state, or group of states, which should attack them. If Israel attacks Iran, the other Moslem states, in the area, will go against Israel immediately, and Israel will loose her nuclear bombs, and missiles, and we will have a nuclear holocaust on our hands.)
There is no easy answer to this Middle Eastern problem. I wish there was. Were it not for the nukes involved, I’d say back our troops up and let them fight it out… and the last nation standing can claim victory. There’d be very few to celebrate a victory, I’m afraid.
Europe has made its usual attempt to buy the bad guys off and it isn’t going go work this time, either. Frankly, I’m getting more than a little tired of the US having to continually bail those folks out.
I know this is not a pleasant subject to talk about at the beginning of a new year, but, it’s staring us right in the face and we are gong to have to deal with it. We have very poor choices in this matter… we either strike, as soon as possible, and do as much damage as we can initially, or we get ready for a protracted God-Awful Nuclear War in that part of the world.
The new Iranian President is convinced the “Madi” is coming back in two years, or less. He apparently feels it has fallen to him to prepare the way for the “messiah”. Islamic prophecy says there will be a ‘fore-runner” like unto John the Baptist. The world must be in a state of chaos for the Madi to return. Their new president is making no secret that he believes this is going to happen soon and... he is the “forerunner” charged with creating the necessary chaos.
We’ve had troops inside Iran for several months now locating those nuclear facilities and getting coordinates on them for the bombing runs.
If I had my druthers, I say, let 'em alone and let Israel have them. Pull our troops out and let the nukes fly. But, frankly, that much radioactive material in the atmosphere is going to affect all of us… anywhere on the globe.
I don’t see an easy answer for the US in this thing. We can only hope to commit our forces in an attempt to contain that conflict in the Middle East. It’s a long shot, even at that. Some of our assets will get hit by the Iranian nukes, (if they are able to get them up before we can take them out.) US embassies, and military bases, within their range, or in, or near, cities they target, will certainly be destroyed. We cannot “Not” retaliate. (in that case.) I just don’t see a way out of this, save… right down the middle… which leads us straight through Tehran.
Negotiations with those folks don’t work. They don’t negotiate.
Well, it’s looking like my prediction that my four year old grandson will be in uniform, in the Middle East, before this thing is settled, is going to happen.
God, I wish there was something we could do to avoid it. It’s like watching two trains rushing at each other and no way to stop them. The train wreck is inevitable.
As much as I regret it, I have come to believe the dye is cast.
ReplyDeleteI think we should just continue to discuss an attack (missile or air attack) and then sit back and let Israel bomb the crap out of Iran. They would more than likely be the first target anyways.