important an issue as our country is likely ever
to face.)

Organizers of the mass demonstrations planned for May Day, by illegal immigrants in the US, are aimed at closing down some of America’s major cities, according to news reports.
The illegal immigrants are demanding rights they are not entitled to, as non-citizens, but are demanding they be given because of the threat posed by their sheer numbers.
"Texas Fred" has an important post over at: “Ace in the Hole”. We recommend you read it at:
America is facing one of the most serious situations in its history. Our government, the US government, is not responding to the wishes of its citizens.
I don’t know about you, but I despise living under a threat… of any kind. The America I grew up in would spit in the eye of someone, no... ANYONE, daring to threaten them directly, or indirectly. Yet, our very own government is about to fold in the face of thousands of criminals marching in our streets when they ought to be locked away in a prison.
It is past time for you, as a LEGAL American citizen to act. If you have not done so, write, phone, or e-mail your Congressman, or Congresswoman, your Senators, and the office of the President, and voice your concern, and your anger, over the way Congress is giving in to the blackmail of the illegals.
Make it plain to your Senator, or Congressperson, that you will not support them for re-election if they support the proposed legislation creating another amnesty program by establishing a “Guest Worker Program”. State clearly that you expect the government to enforce the immigration laws already on the books, that you expect the US government to secure the southern border with a fence, or a wall, and that you expect the federal government to make an all out effort to round up as many illegal immigrants, as possible, in the shortest time possible, and deport them as fast as possible. And finally, that you expect the government to levy heavy fines and even imprisonment on employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants.
What’s at stake? Only the continued existence of the United States of America. That’s all!
Act now! We have no time to waste. In fact, we may have waited too long, as it is, for our leaders to do their jobs.