Monday, April 3, 2006

Minutemen Back on US/Mexico Border

Minutemen Return to Southern Border

Members of the Minutemen Civil Defense Corps returned to the US border with Mexico over the weekend. Reports say some are armed with sidearms.

For the story from "Newsmax"… go here:

We welcome the news that the Minutemen are, once again, at our Southern border and expect more to join them in the next few days.

US leaders have no idea of the depth of passion, on the part of Legal US Citizens, over the proposed “Amnesty” the US Senate and the President are attempting to ram down the throats of Americans.

When illegals can march in our streets without the fear of arrest, or retaliation, by law enforcement authorities, the message sent to legal citizens is that the authorities can no longer protect them and their families, nor the country. It shouts to the world: “We have lost control!”

Additionally, the message received is: Americans are on their own. This is the point where privately owned firearms are taken from their gun safes, and gun cabinets, and cleaned, and oiled up, and the sale of ammunition skyrockets. Americans are going to protect themselves, their families, and their property, as is their right under God… and the Constitution.

Watch for the ranks of the Minutemen to swell over the next few days as Southern Americans, especially those from the Border States, fill the vacuum left by lax law enforcement by the government.

The lack of understanding, and the lack of interest, in the US Citizen’s concerns, over the Illegal immigration problem, by the President and the Congress, is jaw dropping. They have no inkling of the firestorm about to be brought down on their heads. The same holds true for the Mainstream Media. Based in the Northeast, the MSM is isolated from the Americans who live in the states so affected by this invasion from the south.

I have continually said, over the past week, that this thing could turn very ugly, very quick. Southern Americans are not given to making threats. They are, however, given to action without a moment’s notice.

Your can feel the tension in the air. If I were a National Guardsman, especially in the Southern states, I’d have my duffel bag packed and be ready to leave on a moment’s notice.

Toward the end of last week, I began to have the uneasy feeling that this thing has been allowed to go too far. The insistence on a form of “amnesty” by the Senate, and the President, coupled with a flat out failure of law enforcement and our immigration officials has led us to the edge of an abyss which could easily end in violence. The illegals waving a foreign flag in the face of a nation, which has bent over backwards to accommodate them, has become the proverbial “straw, which broke the camel’s back”.

Americans are angry now. Not just angry, more like MAD! A powder keg has been lit!

We have a situation here, which is quickly turning into a crisis. It has been coming for a long time. No matter what you may hear in the next few days… this is not a “civil rights” matter. This is a matter of law and law enforcement. We haven’t had much of either in the past few years and it has brought us to this precipice.



  1. We are not just mad, we are furious. We are furious with the Senate and we are furious with illegals demanding what they haven't earned. Congress needs to act to fix this now.

  2. I'm gonna be surprised if the U.S. Congress does anything near the's going to fester and fester until it erupts. Then we will have to "make do" with the pieces left, what ever they are.

  3. From what I've heard, the proposed bills address worker and documentation programs, but do any of them address how to stop the infiltration itself? The Minutemen are showing George Bush what needs to be done. We should have national guard on BOTH the southern and northern borders.

  4. Nick hit it on the head...

    Put the Guard where the Guard belongs, working HERE, in the USA, not in Iraq, that's for the Army and Marines, the Guard is here for US...

    Longstreet, thanks for putting up the Minuteman logo, please, send messages to friends, emails, phone calls, whatever it takes...

    We have to get as many people as possible on this thing...

    If the government doesn't stop em, we'll have to, and it's going to get nasty before it's done...

  5. "Our president is a great man! If you're not with him, you're with the terrorists."

    I resent the hell outta that! I support the President when he's right and I do not support him when I think he is WRONG. I think he is WRONG ON THIS ONE!

    I Reserve The Right to THINK for MYSELF!

  6. "Our president is a great man! If you're not with him, you're with the terrorists."

    That is Bushes attitude as well. That is why I would never support this idiot. Descent is Partiotic and American and is not treason as far righties contend.
