Wednesday, April 19, 2006

An Election is Coming. Where's the Silent Majority?

The “Silent Majority”, where are they today?

Remember during the Nixon Administration the “Silent Majority” was often spoken of in the press. The President (Nixon), himself, gave them credit for supporting him… not only in elections but supporting him generally.

Well, where did they go?

Oh, they’re still here… and just as powerful as before. You see them everyday. They’re all around you. They are the folks you see at parties. They're the ones who stand around the edges of a group discussing politics. They never have any input into the discussion, they just absorb it. They’re the folks who do not sit in on the coffee klatch discussion on politics and world affairs. They’re the people who go to church, nearly every Sunday, and raise their children to be respectful of others and live useful, productive, lives. They send their kids to church backed universities and colleges for a good education, rather than an indoctrination in the ways of the political left.

The Silent Majority is the folk who never miss an opportunity to vote. They believe men died to give them that opportunity, and they will not abuse the memory of those heroic men by not going to the polls to vote. They are also the people who will not tell those taking the Exit Polls who they voted for. They voted in secret, it’s their secret, and they will keep it, often never even divulging it to their families. They are, for the most part, conservative in politics as well as religion.

These are the people who shop at Wal-Mart, and K-mart, and drive 2, 3, or 4 year old cars. Most own their own homes. They have savings accounts and they have a family budget, which they will not abuse. Their lives are built around their families and their church. Many are veterans of America’s armed forces. They believe this country is worth fighting for and they will put their own lives on the line to protect her. They view politics as a necessary evil. They believe they should always vote for the man who best represents their belief. They will not support a candidate just because he, or she, wears the label of the party to which they, themselves, are registered.

They wield enormous power. These people can make, or break, a presidential election. When they step into the voting booth, they speak, loud and clear. It is there that the Silent Majority rejects their silence and shouts their politics to the world.

Currently, the Silent Majority is watching the Administration, and the Congress, make a total mess of the Immigration policies of the US. They are watching the illegal immigrants demonstrate in the streets of America, with impunity, and their anger is building. They are not interested in offering amnesty to those who broke into, and entered, our country illegally. They are quietly watching the politicians at the local, state, and national levels, and decisions are being made, now, as to how they intend to vote in November.

Illegal immigration will decide the November election. Plain and simple. The Congress is in for a rude awakening when the votes are counted. They will find they should have listened to their constituents rather than the Mainstream Media. Ousted Senators and Congressmen will wonder how was it that those polls, showing that nearly 80% of Americans would willingly accept a "guest Worker Program", could have been so wrong? As they pack their bags, on their way out of DC, they will still be wondering why they allowed the MSM to sandbag them so when they should have paid attention to those letters, and phone calls, and e-mails from back home.

So, politicians, you neglect the Silent Majority at your peril. The press makes fun of one of the mightiest forces in American politics. The Silent Majority never fails to notice their stifled giggles and the Media's backhanded insults of conservative politics. They see it all and… they remember.

This coming November, they will answer them all.

So, here’s to the Silent Majority! May God bless them!



  1. Here Here!, I hope sir that every encumbant up for election looses this time and in 2 years.... not so much so my party will be in control (although that would be a plus in my book) but so a message is sent, that we will clean house and we will clean house often too, every 4 years if needed! I hope this happens in all state elections as well. I want my government to fear me, the registered, practicing voter, then I will be free.

  2. I hear that, Frank! On that we can agree!

    I hope you and your family had a great Easter weekend!

  3. I hope you and your family had a great Easter weekend!

    Yes sir we did, sorry I missed you before you left. I hope yours was great too.

    Back on point.... These guys and gals in Washington need reminded who their bosses actually are.... And it is not for left or far right "special" interest groups. We the people need to show them what We the people are all about.

  4. Longstreet, As long as you don't start touting Kinky for Governor, Texas NEEDS to back out... We should have a long time ago... Build our own damned fence and take care of business just like 1836....

    Oh yeah....

  5. Fred: Whose Kinky???

    By 1836, I take it you DO mean the Battle of San Jacinto, right?
