Sunday, April 16, 2006

Political Correctness... Part Three

Dear Reader: As this is a Holiday weekend and I really need some time to prepare for an upcoming speaking engagement, I have decided to run a “speech” I gave to a public gathering some two years ago. I will break it down into three parts, to run Friday, Saturday, and today.

I hope you take the time over this Easter weekend to worship with your family and enjoy the love and fellowship of your loved ones.

To all of you who have become regulars on this site… please accept my deepest and most sincere thanks. Enjoy Easter with your families. We will have plenty of time to argue, with each other, next week.

May God richly bless you all!



Indeed, freedom is not free. And it pains me that so many of our fellow Americans think today that the price of freedom is too high. They are no longer willing to pay the price to live in a nation free of tyranny. They have turned their backs on the sacrifices made by those who went before them.

You see, it cost too much. Our own regional newspaper runs a box score near the front of it’s paper every single day showing the number of Americans killed in Iraq. Never the number of the enemy killed. They don’t even use the word enemy. This is the kind of left wing garbage the Moral Relativists have given us. These people had rather live in fear and tremble at the sound of footsteps in the night. They’d rather allow terrorists to blow our children up in their schools, or kill our women folk in the shopping malls of this county, or murder our citizens in high-rise office buildings in our largest cities. They can accept this and they can make their peace with the mass funerals of those killed and the crowds of tearful, weeping, mourners. Yes, they can live with that…. rather than put their own lives on the line, or put their own treasure on the line, or to kiss their young men and send them into harms way to help protect this country, which holds the only hope for this warped and corrupted world. That is what they can’t live with!

You see, they believe the terrorists are not absolutely wrong. Maybe, a little wrong, but not absolutely wrong. They feel that America is partly to blame for the killings, the bombings, the beheadings, and for everything wrong in the world. That’s Moral Relativism, or, as it is known today, Political Correctness! It’s killing us! It’s killing this country. They haven’t the courage anymore to stand up and say “no more”! “Stop, or we will stop you!” “No matter the cost, we will stop you.” They can’t do it. It isn’t in them. It has been bred out of them. They’re a hi-bred. The price of freedom is more than they are willing to pay. They will accept slavery and go quietly into the night in the chains they have forged themselves on the anvil of Political Correctness.

It is left to us, the old mossbacks, the hard heads, the politically incorrect, to offer our own blood as their salvation from the hoards to come. For, they surely will come.

There are still enough Americans with backbones to standup and shake our collective fists in the faces of those who would take this country from us. We can crush them like cockroaches scurrying for those dark holes in the ground of the Middle East. For us to do otherwise is to bring dishonor to the generations who have gone before us. To do less, is to bow our heads and bear our necks to whips and chains, and swords of slavery.

The first step is to shut down the disciples of Moral Relativism, the chieftains of Political Correctness. If we are really serious about preserving our heritage, as Southerners and Americans, we will take the fight to them. It is time to stop re-acting and time to start acting! If we don’t they will surely bring the fight to us!

We Southerners have a vested interest in the battle against Political Correctness. Why? Because we are standing on the Bull’s-eye they are aiming for.

We are in the midst of a war for the hearts and minds of generations of Americans yet unborn. If we are to preserve our heritage, and our way of life, then we had better get “geared-up” and dig in for the long haul ahead. Lets face our enemy on our feet rather than on our knees. Our cause is right. We need never retreat.

A great lady, a lady I much admire, Lady Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of Great Britain, once said: “You sort out what you believe in, then you apply it. You don’t compromise on things that matter!”

And Winston Churchill, another former Prime Minster of Great Britain, citizen of Great Britain, and the United States of America, once said: “ Never give in; Never give in; Never, Never, Never, Never, in nothing, great or small, large or petty, Never give in.”

Many Americans are asking today, “When are we going to say enough?”

“When are we going to take the battle to the enemy? When?”

I ask the age-old questions… “If not now… when”? If not us…. who?

I urge you to answer in the words of the Old Testament prophet: “Here I am Lord. Send me!”

I sincerely hope you have enjoyed this short series. We'll be back tomorrow with more of our usual fare.

Thanks again!


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