America, as Usual, is On it’s Own. We are expected to save the world, again, by ourselves!
In the last few days it has become clear that war with Iran is inevitable and unstoppable.
It also appears, as clear as ever, that the US will, once again, be on it’s own. We can expect no assistance from our "so-called" allies in Europe.
I sometimes feel that what when we saved their collective bacon twice, in the last century, that somehow; they became wards of the US. But, somehow, it seems the entire world has now drawn back and taken a “let the US do it” attitude. That way they don’t have to get their hands dirty and they don’t have to spend their treasure in lives and gold.
That is a dirty, rotten, way to treat a friendly neighbor on this globe. As an American, I resent the hell out of it.
I would like nothing better than for America to create Fortress America and slip back behind a wall of anti ballistic missiles and isolate ourselves from the rest of the world. In short order Russia and China would be dividing up the remainder of the world between themselves and those “would be” strong men, of the Middle East, would be resting comfortable, or otherwise, in six foot deep holes in the ground. That is... if they can find enough of them to bury.
The little sawed-off, loud mouth, braggarts, like that little squirt in Iran, would find himself slapped down so hard he wouldn’t know what hit him.
The problem with US isolation, other than the obvious Russian and Chinese hegemony, is that the US will not be allowed to isolate itself. Our moats, the Atlantic and Pacific, are worthless in a time of ICBM’s and sub launched cruise missiles and open borders to our south and to our north. The US would be lucky to last a decade as an isolationist. In fact, it would be impossible.
Once the US’s role as “World Policeman” is abdicated, all bets are off. Anarchy would reign supreme. Found, mewling, at our doorsteps would be the socialist nations of Western Europe, begging, again, for the US to save them. Among them Britain, having found the honesty to remove “Great” from it’s name.
But, then again, we have our own problems.
America, itself, is divided into two distinct camps. The cowards, on the Left, who will march willingly into slavery rather than pay the price of freedom and the Defenders of the Left, who reside on the Right, and would like nothing better than to see the whining Leftist taken away in chains but cannot live with themselves if they do not protect their Leftist brothers and sisters who cannot find the courage to do it for themselves. And, of course, those also on the right, who care nothing for any of this and just want to eliminate the enemies of America, by whatever means necessary, once and for all.
So, what we have is an America split right down the middle, from top to bottom, which finds itself on the brink of opening a fourth front in the war on terrorism. Fourth you ask? Yes. Count ‘em: Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and the "Shadow War" even the press can’t report on because they know nothing of it. The Shadow Warriors are men who are answerable to the Commander-in Chief only. I am aware, only, of their existence… and only because one of their bases is not far from me.
So, what do we do as a country? We fight. We have no choice. If we wish to continue to exist, we must fight anywhere, and everywhere, it becomes necessary. It will take the entire standing army including all the National Guard and all the Reserve forces and, most likely, a draft to obtain the men we need for this extension of the war.
One other thing, we can expect an invasion of suicide bombers similar to those seen in Israel. We can expect more terror attacks like those at the World Trade Center in NY. And we can, most certainly, expect at least one low level nuclear bomb blast and, most likely, three or more, others.
America will not escape with no scars of war. We are long overdue and, to the utter shock, and surprise, of our friends on the American Left we ARE vulnerable and, our enemies will utilize that vulnerability. In many ways, we are a “sitting duck”! This has not gone unnoticed and we WILL pay for it.
The pussyfooting of the Leftist diplomats of the US State Department and the totally useless farce employed by the UN will cost the US in the lives of American citizens. The US State Department is long overdue for a purge. The leftist deadwood, of the career diplomats, needs to be cleaned out. A new State Department, short on words and long on action, needs to be created to suit the times we live in.
The decades of peace, in America, is quickly drawing to a close. Soon the long lines of refugees, with their belongings on their backs, or in hand carts, reminiscent of European refugees during WW-2 will be Americans. When the nuclear devices are set off in our cities those lines of displaced persons will generate right before our eyes. And they will be Americans.
This time America will bear the scars of war. Oh, we will win, but not without cost to the homeland.
So, prepare now… mentally... and in every other way. America is at war, and the war is widening. And, as usual, America is on it’s own.
You make some very blunt points and I agree with many of them. It just seems Russia and China are too afraid that Iran with attack them that they are willing to be the lone voices of objection to any type of sanctions. So because the Iranian President knows this he can sit back and threaten Israel, Britain and Amercia with death and destruction.
ReplyDeleteWhy do we feel the need to save the world? Just go to church and pray..... It will all work out in the end.
ReplyDeleteI still say Iran is a 'regional' problem 1st and the folks that live in that REGION need to deal with it, we can 'help' but they need to take the lead as long as Iran is THEIR problem...
ReplyDeleteIf Iran threatens US, nuke the shit out of em, problem solved...
Aww...come on, the European Union will help us out, especially France. Also, don't forget the unwavering support we have from Putin and Russia.
ReplyDeleteI know how it ends. I read the book, too. I just feel that, as long as we are here, we should try to save as many of God's children from slavery as possible.
ReplyDeleteThe suggested article from Anonymous (above) is the standard left wing response to Islamofacism: "For God's sake, don't make 'em mad!"
ReplyDeleteThe suggestion that Hillary Clinton will win the Presidency in 2008 is even scarier than a nuclear armed Iran!