A few months ago, I ran a post in which I made reference to “Aztlan” an area made up of the Southwestern States of the US and the Northern States of Mexico as a new and separate nation. Many readers thought I was just blowing smoke!
Ok, so now comes news that just might prove that we weren’t as far off base as you may have thought.
Now they call it the “Republic of the North”.
You can read all about it at:
If you look at the map you will quickly see that the area referred to as the Republic of the North is composed of : the southern part of Colorado, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California as well as Mexican states of: Tamaulipas, Nuevo León, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Sonora, and Baja California.

When one looks at this huge piece of land, one is first provoked to laughter, until one realizes they are actually doing what must be done to acquire this chunk of real estate and establish a new nation. Their plans are to grow in numbers until they have the voting power to force an affirmative vote, of the electorate of those states, which happen to be in the US, to secede. It would be no real problem to force Mexico to allow those northern states, which are a drain on its treasury to leave. especially, if the new nation forming was to be friendly to Mexico.
I worry that the "Republic of the North" is just a cover for their real aim which is AZTLAN. Take a look:

Others wish the new AZTLAN to encompass even more of the western US. Take a look:

I, frankly, don’t believe the people of America have the passion, anymore, for this land, for their country, to go to war, if necessary, to stop them from simply stealing a huge chunk of our western and southwestern states. Those who are proposing this secession are doing so openly and they are counting on the US allowing them to simply ‘take’ those states. I wouldn’t bet against them.
It doesn’t seem to matter that the US Supreme Court ruled, way back in 1869 that the US could not be broken up by secession, again. But, you see, in the 1860’s the US was composed of REAL men, and REAL women, with the "stones" to go to war for what they felt was right. We have grown soft and we have grown lazy and it would simply be too much trouble to stop anyone wishing to take a full one third of our country away.
Doubt me?
Well, look at you newspapers. Check the TV news. Check the news on the Internet. It’s happening… right now… right before our eyes… and we cannot get our Congress, nor our President, to do anything about it!
Now, do you still doubt me???
Look, those Mexicans stealing across our southern border are not assimilating into the American population. They are remaining apart. They continue to hold fast to their language, Spanish, instead of adopting the language of the land they wish to become a part of. The latter is proof, so far as I am concerned, that the illegal immigrants have no intention of ever becoming a part of the American citizenry. They see America as a huge money tree and they can sneak across the border and snatch as much of the fruit of that tree as possible before being discovered and forced to go back home.
I ask you, do we really want citizens who broke the law to get here in the first place? They are already criminals. To bring even more criminals into our midst makes no sense to me… at all.
So… where’s the fence? Where’s the wall along the border with Mexico. Where is the armed military to patrol that border?
If that fence gets built you can bet it will be built with the money of private US citizens who wish to secure their country and not by one dime from the federal treasury... not from the crowd of Yo-Yo’s we sent to Washington to represent us and insure our safety.
We need a national fund drive to accept donations toward building that fence and we need to get it started right away… the sooner the better.
The Minutemen have said they will begin building the border fence shortly after May 25th. It will be built with private funds and civilian labor. There is a link on this page to their site. You may wish to go there to see how you can help.
Dear Readers, it would appear that, if we are to save our country, it will be up to us, the lowly private citizen. If the Government is not going to work with us on this, then they damn well ought not work against us!
I have just learned that , for some reason, Blogger is not publishing some comments even though I have approved them. I apologize for this and I hope it will be corrected soon!
If ya get this one, Blogger is messing up, has been all day...
ReplyDeleteAztlan is about to become a reality if GWB has his way...
The man is pandering the Mexicans and giving the USA away...